LRAA/ EAA Chapter 1541 Roundtable Discussion on Saturday, December 30 at 10:00, S-12, on Village 5

On December 12, the Lincoln City Council decided in favor of moving forward with the Village 5 development. Village 5 will build houses, schools, and businesses into the area south of the Lincoln airport. This development will eventually impact airport operations for both runways 15 (departures) and 33 (arrivals). The Lincoln Regional Aviation Association (LRAA) and others have been involved with the county and city in the long process leading up to this recent decision in a persistent attempt to highlight the aviation issues with Village 5.

But, along with the city’s approval of Village 5 over the concerns of LRAA and other aviation users, the city has also informally suggested to the LRAA that it is receptive to discussions to try and mitigate the impact of Village 5 to the Lincoln Airport and its users.
Time is of the essence as there will be discussions between LRAA and the city beginning in early January.

Rocky Green, president of the LRAA, has requested the opportunity to share information with chapter members in this process. LRAA also wants to hear input from airport users in our chapter. We have set up a roundtable meeting to be held at the EAA Hangar, S-12, on Saturday, December 30, at 10:00 am. Please join other interested EAA 1541 and LRAA members in this discussion and plan on attending. The decision by the city of Lincoln will have an impact on operations at the airport.

There are many powerful interests driving the Village 5 decision and aviators will have few remaining opportunities to constructively attempt to minimize its impact on flight operations. This is one of them.

more info;
The Village 5 plans by Richland are here, and specifically here.