The Chemistry of Combustion A Molecular Look into Aviation Fuel

Topic: Do you know the chemistry of aviation fuel? Join us to find out more about the fuel that feeds your engine.
On Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 12:00 Pacific Standard Time (13:00 MST, 14:00 CST, 15:00 EST, 10:00 HST, 11:00 AKST, 13:00 Arizona, 20:00 GMT)

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One of the first tasks a student pilot learns is to make sure during the preflight check that the proper fuel is loaded into the airplane. This is a critical step since having the wrong fuel onboard leads to engine malfunction and failure. Sadly, misfueling accidents continue to occur on a regular basis. But what is it that differentiates aviation fuels and why is it critical to have the proper fuel for the airplane?

In this seminar, join us as San Carlos Flight Center invites AGI Michel Vidal-Naquet as he gives a high level overview of the different fuels used in aviation: how fuel is produced from crude oil, what are the chemical differences between the grades of Avgas and Jet-fuel, and what is the chemistry of combustion and its relation to aircraft engine design. We will also address other issues such as the use of lead and discuss some misfueling accidents.

The seminar will lead to a deeper understanding of aviation fuel characteristics, and raise awareness about the critical importance of the fuel pre-flight check.

Michel Vidal-Naquet is an advanced and instrument ground instructor, and an instrument rated, commercial pilot with over 700 flight hours. He started flying in 2013 after settling in the Bay area to work as a computer scientist and engineer. His passion for aviation began during his early childhood when his family first took him on international flights. He brings a scientific point of view to his flying, and is always learning.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.