From the Galley

By Scott Whelan

As we look forward to getting back together again, I thought it would be worth an update as to what to expect from the galley. EAA has a few new rules in place that we will need to follow and hopefully they will be relaxed over time. The galley’s first goal is to provide the same great meal experience as before. The biggest change will be in how we provide the meals and the condiments. In the past we would congregate around the grill and hand over individual meals. Then we would have another table for butters and syrup for breakfast, and ketchup and mustard for lunches.

Going forward, you can be seated and someone from the galley will bring you your meal. We will also provide individual packets for the condiments and silverware. We will have to decide how to distribute coffee and soda. My understanding is we should have someone responsible for handing out the drinks.

Hopefully, these restrictions will only be temporary as things continue to return to normal. There should be no disruption to the quality of the meals and service we provide from the galley. With these new changes my team and I will definitely need volunteers to help. This is a great opportunity for the youth of chapter to provide community service.