So, What’s Going on with the Gold Membership?

As noted above, the chapter established
the Gold Membership program to go along with the hangar purchase. The cost of the Gold Membership was $300, paid in one lump some at the beginning of the year. This compares to our regular annual dues of $20 per member and $30 for families.

The member benefits were that any chapter food events at our hangar, which consists of pancake breakfasts (normally $5 each) and BBQ lunch/dinners (normally $6 each) were included. Also included were a nice name tag identifying Gold Membership, and also a chapter hat and T-shirt. The Gold Membership worked out well for many people because they no longer had to come up with the $5 and $6 meal costs and this made life just that much easier.

For the chapter, the Gold Membership provided a bit of stability to our finances and made planning easier. It also provided a cash infusion when we thought we needed it.

But, now that the hangar is not being purchased, what’s going on? Well, first of all, the funds that were raised for hangar purchase are being redirected to youth outreach. We have programs in development for Youth Scholarships and Sponsorships, and also an enhanced Young Eagles Program. The funds raised will be spent in an appropriate manner.

The board has also decided to continue the Gold Membership program. The board feels we should continue to offer the Gold Membership as an option to those who enjoy the convenience of one-stop payment of dues and chapter events. It also allows members to demonstrate a greater commitment to the chapter; i.e “I’ll be there.”

I would like to stress that the Gold Membership is not a great fundraiser for the chapter. If a member attends all the events/ meals offered by the chapter through the year, it equates to at least $220 in meal costs for the $300 payment.

But, make no mistake that it does benefit the chapter in planning and commitment. If you are so inclined, we welcome you to become a Gold Member for 2018. If you have already paid your 2018 dues, we will adjust accordingly.

Please contact Jim Hughes for more information

(Scott Thompson)