Photo Gallery



4/27: Young Eagles Rally
Registration table.
Line up of aircraft looking south.
Line up of aircraft looking north.
IMG 4288
Shirl Whelan and the "big board."
Pilot Chris Silva in RV-6A flying a Young Eagle.
Pilot Dug Smith in his Magnum gyroplane flying a Young Eagle.
Scott Whelan doing a safety briefing.
Pilot Dirk Dreyer with happy mom and Young Eagle.
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Ready to fly.
3/16: Build and Fly Session-2
IMG 4236
The group getting a look at the "stick build" RC airplane project.
IMG 4237
Getting instruction from an AMOS expert on building the RC kit.
IMG 4239
Working on the "Almost Ready to Fly" project.
IMG 4238
Getting actual glue on to balsa...the first steps.
2/24: Member Meeting with Glenn Gordon
IMG 4209
Glenn Gordon from Cameron Park presents on the offering of the Timber Tiger company.
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Glenn Gordon focused on the 95% scale Ryan ST replica offered by Timber Tiger.
2/3: Hosting John Adams Middleschoolers
Experimental aircraft overflying the airport
Experimental aircraft overflying the airport
EAA 1541 Hanger
EAA 1541 Hanger
Hand-propping a classic
Stearman aircraft taxiing
Stearman aircraft taxiing
Stearman overflying the hanger during the event
Stearman overflying the hanger during the event
Beautiful vintage aircraft overflying the EAA hanger
Beautiful vintage aircraft overflying the EAA hanger
Incredible vintage aircraft on display (and flying!)
Incredible vintage aircraft on display
Great crowd learning about aviation and taking Young Eagle flights
Great crowd learning about aviation and taking Young Eagle flights
Guest speakers from John Adams Academy
Guest speakers from John Adams Academy
1/27: Young Eagles Rally
Prepping for a Young Eagles flight
Prepping for a Young Eagles flight
Young Eagles pilots in cue
Young Eagles pilots in cue
Future Young Eagle on the Chapter’s simulator
Future Young Eagle on the Chapter’s simulator
Preflight safety briefing
Preflight safety briefing
Cleared for takeoff!
Cleared for takeoff!
Jim signing a Young Eagles logbook
Jim signing a Young Eagles logbook
  • 2023
