A Letter to Amy from our Chapter President

Congratulations Amy,

On behalf of EAA Chapter 1541, I want to congratulate you on achieving your Private Pilot License. We are all immensely proud of you!

I, along with other chapter members, have enjoyed you and your family becoming a part of the chapter. We have enjoyed your reaching this milestone in your life. I want to thank your parents for their efforts in helping you get to this achievement, I also want to thank them and you sibling for their chapter participation in making this chapter stronger and better in many ways.

As you know our EAA mission is to promote aviation. One of the chapters goals is to raise money to support persons like yourself progress in their aviation interests. We do not always get to see the benefits of these awards. With you we have seen the whole process, your path through or chapter will be a model for how we help young aviator enthusiast meet their goals. I also suspect that other young chapter aviators will be inspired by your path and seek a similar one.

As you are starting your college career at Embry-Riddle, we wish you all the best. Please come back and report to us your progress, again congratulation and best of success.

Darren Coomler