by Darren Coomler
Hello all and welcome to mid-March –just a few days until the start of Spring. Hurray!
This month’s theme is “Plane Build”, this month we celebrate members that have, are think of starting a build, currently building a plane, or have completed and enjoying their efforts. We have several chapter members are in one of the above stated phases. This month’s Member Meeting will include a presentation by Mark Rieger, entitled “Building a Cozy MKIV on a road less traveled”. The Cozy can be thought of as a four place member of the Long Eze family of aircraft, and as a composite pusher design it is about as different from pre-punched metal kitplane designs as can be!
Next month’s theme will be “Show and Tell”. This will consist of members walking between members’ hangars allowing all members to meet the pilots and their aircraft. We will be doing this along with our 1st & 3rd Saturday morning breakfasts. If you are a pilot that has a plane hangered or tied down at the airport and are interested in participating, please e mail me your hangar location and number so that we can create a planned route to visit your aircraft.
It’s my honor to announce that Chapter 1541 has again been awarded a Ray Scholarship for 2022. This is a $10,000 scholarship to be awarded to a candidate for flight training to achieve their Private Pilot License. EAA national awards this to chapters and then chapters choose the recipient. In past years chapter Board members have formed the interview committee to decide the winner, and this year we would like to make this committee opportunity available to any current chapter member. If you are interested in participating in this very rewarding opportunity, please contact me.
The chapter has been providing Young Eagle flights to visitors after our Saturday morning breakfasts, if you are interested in participating as a pilot, marshal or helper please let us know at the breakfast greeting table. We are planning a Young Eagle helper orientation meeting to introduce anyone interested in participating in this program.
Your 1541 Chapter will be celebrating our 10th year anniversary this year. To recognize this anniversary we would like to update our chapter Tee shirt and hat design. We would like the artistic members out there to submit design ideas so that we can get them printed and available for all.
The last item is Airport Fun Day. It’s been a few years since we have put one of these events on, so we are starting planning now for a Fall event. We will keep you posted.
We look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming events. Be safe and have a great day.