Airport Fun Day Success

EAA Chapter 1541 hosted its first Airport Fun Day on Saturday, April 13. It was one of the most well-attended chapter event we have ever held. Crowd estimates were in the neighborhood of 250 people or so, quite a bit more than we expected, and something that required two rapid trips to local grocery stores to restock hot dogs and buns. All of our visitors seemed to have a great time…smiles all around…and it was obvious that many had never visited our Lincoln airport or any general aviation airport period. Just the airplanes taxiing about, taking off and landing, and the local skydivers alone generated excitement and interest for both young and old alike.

We had six airplanes on static display, and there was always a crowd around each of them. Inside the hangar we had a variety of activities, from a hands-on riveting demonstration to a flight simulator. We had a representative from William Jessup University’s new aviation program on hand, and also a representative from a radio-control aircraft group. Our chapter had an information table and a Young Eagles table that provided visitor information For the younger kids, we ran the Disney “Planes” animated movie and had a table set aside for coloring airplane-themed masterpieces. And for all, we provided a hot dog lunch that proved obviously popular.