President’s Corner

by Darren Coomler

Dear EAA 1541 Chapter Members,

I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel, if you’re like me you have been following the news for the latest of guidelines of what you can and can’t do, and it looks like we may be able to see one another in person in the upcoming few weeks.

According to Placer County’s Stage 2 announcement, the board and I will meet shortly to create a plan preparing for an in-person meeting that comply with the new safety protocols. In the meantime, please join us for the online member meeting on May 20th and the IMC club meeting coming up on June 3rd. I am eager to meet with you all and hear what you all have been doing for the past few months.

As you will see in this newsletter, our chapter members have been busy and making progress on their projects, but also making important contributions to our chapter. I’d like to recognize Bruce Estes in particular, for his arranging the donation of a Stinson project and relocating it to KLHM, where it sold almost immediately and brought $2200 to our chapter’s reserves. Bravo to Bruce and those who helped him. And thanks to all who answered our call for “Pix, PIREPs and Project updates” that make up much of this edition of the newsletter.

After purchasing a new house and getting moved these past few months I haven’t been flying at all. As many of you know I am still a student pilot – I contacted my CFI a couple of weeks ago and got back in air. Wow! Was it great! I found myself looking at the yoke and door handles wondering if I needed to disinfect them.

I don’t know how many of you have been under the “foggles” lately. I usually enjoy the challenge of this type of flying, it started out great, as usual- but after 45 minutes my stomach began to turn. I have found my new focus for the next couple of flights. Practice usually seems to be an effort, but for me the practice of aviating is pure joy.

I share this story with you all in hopes that you find something that feels somewhat normal in all this change, uncertainty, and chaos. We will be back together soon and what a joyous day it will be.

To happiness and health,
Darren Coomler