President’s Corner

Our chapter is facing a very serious situation

As most of you know, every two years we elect new chapter officers and board members. That time is now. The vote for the new board members and officers will be held at this month’s general meeting. Although we have nearly 100 members, we are not getting interest from members to participate in the running of the chapter. Most importantly, we are needing a President and four board members. Tom Lieb has offered to be Vice President (Thank you Tom). Please don’t put our club in danger of dissolving. The time commitment to being a board member is not excessive and it provides a great opportunity to build friendships through getting involved with your fellow members. We have built a great club; don’t let this situation ruin what we have built for the last five years! You might even want to volunteer with a friend. That might get rid of any butterflies you could have (if you are a little shy at first).

Here is what to do: contact me at 916 240-5980 and let me know that you would like to help. Tell me if you are interested in being a board member or possibly even President. My Presidency ends next month. The club needs new ideas and energy every two years. This is what keeps meetings and activities fun and new. Bring your thoughts and ideas to keep Chapter 1541 moving forward providing information, education, and fellowship. I can’t overstate how serious this is. Without your help, this could result in the closure of our club. Step up, get involved. You won’t regret doing so and I assure you that you will discover that participating is actually fun!