President’s Corner

by Scott Thompson
Chapter President

As we segue into the holiday season it is natural that our thoughts turn a bit away from airplanes and airports and more toward family and traditions. Our chapter activities are taking a bit of a breather through November and December to accommodate those thoughts. We still have a few of the regularly scheduled Saturday morning
activities scheduled, but otherwise the main thing on the chapter calendar is the Holiday Party set
for Wednesday, December 12.

We will gather this year at Cattlemens Restaurant in Roseville. Your chapter board of directors is working diligently to have a fun and relaxing evening.

Among the evening’s activities will be a silent auction. We did this last year too but this year we have a special impetus. All of the proceeds from the silent auction, as in 100%, will go into our chapter’s Richard and Susan Bristow Memorial Scholarship Program. From this program we fund youth education programs including the sponsorship of two young people to attend the EAA Air Academy at Oshkosh in the summer of 2019. So as you enjoy the Holiday Party, consider what is being offered in the silent auction and, as you make your written bids, think about where your purchase dollars will go.

Whether or not you want to participate in our silent auction, please plan on joining us at the Holiday Party. I encourage you to purchase your tickets earlier rather than later…we usually sell out the tickets and we have a limited number of seats due to the room size at Cattlemens. You can buy tickets in several different ways: online using PayPal with a credit or debit card, mail a ticket order in with a check payable to “EAA Chapter
1541,” or grab a wandering board member and have him or her sell you tickets. Don’t be that guy standing at the door with a sad look on his face because he waited too long.