Chapter Logo Update

We had some technical issues with the chapter logo that have now been corrected. Along the way, we also updated the logo to what you see on the right.

The work was completed with the help of chapter member Clark Osterhout and graphic artist (and City of Lincoln City Councilman) Paul Joiner. Clark coordinated the work with Paul, and the update was completed very quickly to exactly what was required. The obvious changes are the blue tint added to the outer ring; less obvious are some clean-up items and correcting the EAA logo to the EAA required format.

Our immediate plans for the updated logo are to use it on a sign to be posted at the airport entrance announcing the presence of our chapter. It will also be incorporated in a new design of chapter t-shirts and caps. Thus, we are very grateful for Paul donating his talent to our chapter.

The original logo was developed in a design contest when the chapter was established in 2012.

Graphic artist and Lincoln city councilman Paul Joiner updated our chapter logo and we now have an attractive and usable graphics file we can apply to several chapter projects. Thanks much to Paul for his quick and precise work.