This Coming Saturday: Breakfast at the Hangar

A reminder to all that we will be holding our Second Saturday Pancake Breakfast this coming Saturday (September 9) from 8:00 am until 10:00 am. Except there won’t be any pancakes this time around. Instead: Breakfast Burritos…yes, you read right. Breakfast burritos! Plus sausage and the other good fixings that go along with breakfast. Why breakfast burritos, you might ask? Well, we are using up some of our egg stock from the very successful Open House Pancake Breakfast. Waste not, want not, etc.
We’ll be cooking from 8:00 am to 9:30 am when the grill shuts down, so come early. Breakfast will be $10.00 per person, $5.00 per young person 12 and under, or $25.00 per family.
Something new: our chapter is now accepting payment via credit or debit cards, and also Venmo and PayPal.