The Timber Tiger ST-L
A 95% replica Ryan ST-A

Our Fourth Saturday BBQ Lunch and Program will be held this coming Saturday, February 24, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm. The BBQ Lunch starts at 11:00 at our hangar at the Lincoln Regional Airport. If you are not familiar with our hangar’s location, come to the airport and just follow the “EAA” signs.
The grill is hot from 11:00 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. when it shuts down, so come early. BBQ Lunch is $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for youth 17 or under (yep, we changed the youth age range to 17 and under), and $25 for families.
And, for your convenience, we are now accepting credit and debit cards, plus other methods of electronic payment, for our meals, t-shirts, dues, and donations. Also, if you have not paid your chapter annual dues ($30 for single or family membership) we will accept payment for that also.
And, remember, we will have our two flight simulators up and running for young and old alike.

Future Young Eagle on the Chapter’s simulator
Our Program for February

Our program for February will be presented by EAA member Glenn Gordon, who comes to us from Cameron Park.

Glenn will speak on the Timber Tiger ST-L, a 95% scale Ryan ST-A replica that is offered as a homebuilt kit.
For those not quite familiar with beautiful and classic aircraft, the 1930s Ryan ST design is both of those things. Derivatives of the Ryan ST were built for the U.S. Army as PT-22 primary trainers during World War II and we have at least one PT-22 based here at Lincoln. The Timber Tiger ST-L kit is a 95% scale faithful reproduction of the Ryan ST as developed by Nick Pfannenstiel and his company, Timber Tiger, at Montrose, Colorado.
Our speaker, Glenn Gordon, was instrumental in the development of the ST-L kit with his Computer Aided Design (CAD) skills. He remains deeply involved in making the kit a success, moving beyond the CAD drawings to designing production tooling for molds, jigs, and fixtures. As an experienced pilot, he also flew the prototype ST-L to Oshkosh to put it on display at AirVenture. Gordon has a long history as a mechanical design engineer going back to the 1990s and is currently employed as a Thermal/Mechanical Engineer for a Rancho Cordova company.
Here is one example of what Glenn contributed to the project…and from these CAD drawings come the ability to accurately produce parts with computerized tooling.

Of course, Glenn is building one of the ST-L kits at Cameron Park. His admiration of the original Ryan ST is, after all, what brought him to the ST-L. Both Glenn’s website and the Timber Tiger website offer detailed information about this unique and attractive kit built airplane.
Glenn started his ST-L build in June 2022 and is planning on using the Rotax 912 ULS engine on the project. (As with any homebuilt aircraft, it will be done on Tuesday.) We look forward to what Glenn has to say about the ST-L, his project, and the Timber Tiger company.

Please join us on Saturday for some good food, hangar flying, and a great program.