IMC/VMC club online meeting Thursday, May 2nd at 7 pm PDT

Our Fourth Saturday BBQ Lunch and Program will be held this coming Saturday, April 27, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm. The BBQ Lunch starts at 11:00 at our hangar at the Lincoln Regional Airport. If you are not familiar with our hangar’s location, come to the airport and just follow the “EAA” signs.
The grill is hot from 11:00 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. when it shuts down, so come early. BBQ Lunch is $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for youth 17 or under (yep, we changed the youth age range to 17 and under), and $25 for families.
And, for your convenience, we are now accepting credit and debit cards, plus other methods of electronic payment, for our meals, t-shirts, dues, and donations.And, remember, we will have our two flight simulators up and running for young and old alike.
There will be a short business meeting at 11:45, followed by our program beginning at 12:00 noon. Part of the business meeting will be making a selection for the graphic to be used in our coffee bar area.
Our Program for April
Our program for April will be presented by our very own chapter member Bruce Estes, and he will speak about his experience building and flying scale Radio-Controlled aircraft.
Although Bruce has not been directly involved in the RC world for a few years, he has a long and extensive background in both building and flying scale RC aircraft. Scale RC aircraft are those that are built as scale models of full-scale aircraft, both past and present.
Bruce was one of the early members of EAA Chapter 1541 and served for many years as a chapter board member. His specialty these days is pursuing donations for the chapter, ones that we are able then sell to dedicate the funds to chapter use. Last year he was able to arrange the donation of a Starduster biplane to the chapter, one we later sold with the funds then put to good use.
Bruce was born and raised in San Mateo County, and moved to Granite Bay in 2013. For the last 30 years of his business career he was in the real estate loan business, and retired in 2013. Bruce was already involved in scale model flying but took a discovery flight in 2000 and fell in love with full-sized flying. He received his Private Pilot certificate in 2001 and added an Instrument Rating the next year. He currently owns a 1976 Cessna 177B Cardinal and an RV-6, both of which are hangared at our Lincoln airport.