January Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday

The January Board of Directors meeting takes place on Wednesday 3rd. It will be at the House of Pizza, 2270 Nicolaus Rd., Lincoln… dinner at 18:00, meeting at 18:30. All members are invited.

18:00 pm: Food and Stuff
18:30 pm: Meeting Start

  1. Introductions
    • Brief introduction of each board member with background and interests. No more than 3 minutes per board member
  2. My Vision for How We Are Going to Do This and Board Expectations (Scott)
  3. Short Term Goals for Chapter (Scott)
  4. Treasurer Report (Jim)
  5. Membership Report and Status of Dues Collection (Jim)
  6. New Business
    • Hangar Lease
    • Review calendar for January and February
    • Review how we communicate information and potential improvements
      • Email Blasts
      • Newsletter
      • Facebook
      • Social Flight
      • Banners??
      • ???
    • Board Positions
      • Program Coordinator
      • Communications and Calendar Coordinator
      • Food purchases for meetings (Tom)
    • Board Discussion for Membership Levels
      • Standard: Annual dues of $20
      • Family: Annual dues of ???
      • Gold: Sustaining Membership Level at $?? per month with special benefits
        • Chapter food events (barbeques and pancake breakfasts)
        • Gold nametag
      • Life Membership??
      • Young Eagles: Board discussion and decision on whether or not to move forward with a firm plan
      • Other New Business: any other items for discussion or for addition to a future agenda?
    • Long Term Goals for the Chapter (Scott)
    • Toward the Future: Planning
  7. EAA Trimotor: report from Jim Hughes
  8. Monitoring the Planes of Fame initiative
  9. Poker Run: board decision for short term
  10. Well-designed Member Survey?

8:30 pm: Meeting Over

LRAA/ EAA Chapter 1541 Roundtable Discussion on Saturday, December 30 at 10:00, S-12, on Village 5

On December 12, the Lincoln City Council decided in favor of moving forward with the Village 5 development. Village 5 will build houses, schools, and businesses into the area south of the Lincoln airport. This development will eventually impact airport operations for both runways 15 (departures) and 33 (arrivals). The Lincoln Regional Aviation Association (LRAA) and others have been involved with the county and city in the long process leading up to this recent decision in a persistent attempt to highlight the aviation issues with Village 5.

But, along with the city’s approval of Village 5 over the concerns of LRAA and other aviation users, the city has also informally suggested to the LRAA that it is receptive to discussions to try and mitigate the impact of Village 5 to the Lincoln Airport and its users.
Time is of the essence as there will be discussions between LRAA and the city beginning in early January.

Rocky Green, president of the LRAA, has requested the opportunity to share information with chapter members in this process. LRAA also wants to hear input from airport users in our chapter. We have set up a roundtable meeting to be held at the EAA Hangar, S-12, on Saturday, December 30, at 10:00 am. Please join other interested EAA 1541 and LRAA members in this discussion and plan on attending. The decision by the city of Lincoln will have an impact on operations at the airport.

There are many powerful interests driving the Village 5 decision and aviators will have few remaining opportunities to constructively attempt to minimize its impact on flight operations. This is one of them.

more info;
The Village 5 plans by Richland are here, and specifically here.

Interest in NEW Hangar Space?

Chad Coleman has been working with the City to develop a new nested tee hangar at the Lincoln Airport. He’s looking to gauge interest in this possibility.

The project under consideration is construction of a new nested tee hangar essentially identical to the two newest green buildings on the field (on the North end of the transient parking ramp). Typical hangar bay sizes would be approximately 42-feet wide and 36-feet deep. Ceiling height would match the existing buildings. Doors would be split sliders just like on the existing buildings.

Lease rates for the space are likely to be very similar to what the City charges for the existing buildings.

If you’re interested, reply to Chad (916 847-3476) expressing interest. He’s not in a position to reserve space at this time but would be very interested in compiling a list of potentially interested parties and will certainly use this list as the project moves forward.

Member dues… due

It’s that time of year again to pay your 2018 member dues.

The dues remain at $20 for an individual, $30 for a family.

You may pay a number of ways;

  1. cash or check at any meeting, or find Jim Hughes at his hangar, J-5.
  2. mail a check to ; LincolnEAA, P.O.Box 1126, Lincoln, CA, 95648
  3. PayPal to , lincolneaa@hotmail.com.

The new Board of Directors will be working to redirect the ‘Gold Member’ program, since we will continue to rent hangar S-12, now from Ron Wright.
The BOD will develop new programs to utilize the existing ‘hangar funds’.

Any member with ideas for programs and activities, please contact a board member, or, better, come to a meeting, board or member meeting and start a discussion.

Program for Saturday, December 9. Ins and Outs of ASD-B

This coming Saturday, Chapter 1541 will present a program covering the basics of ADS-B. Gathering at the chapter hangar (S-12) at the Lincoln Airport, we’ll start at 08:00 with a fine pancake breakfast.

At 09:00, we’ll spend an hour or so looking at ADS-B and how it applies to pilots and aircraft owners. If you can’t even spell ADS-B, this is for you. The 2020 equipage requirement is two years away; be informed and ready for what is coming.

On the agenda:

  • What is ADS-B is and what it’s not
  • If, when, and why you might want ADS-B
  • The two basic types of ADS-B (UAT transceiver or 1090 ES transponder) and what each will give you
  • The actual airspace requirements
  • Some equipment options

Don’t forget this is the last opportunity to get tickets for the Xmas party!