Things are looking good. There are 57 YE’s are signed up to come down at 8 AM on Sunday.
We could use 2-3 more volunteers on the ground, and maybe 1-2 pilots if we can get ’em.
We will start cooking around 08:30, and people can grab pancakes, sausage, eggs as they desire throughout morning. Coffee will be made as well. Anybody from EAA willing to make coffee?
Everyone should arrive around 07:15-07:30. We are using Greg Forbes Hangar in Zack’s building for everything.
We need:
- Have someone with trailer hitch bring the EAA trailer of chairs and tables, etc down.
- Pickup yellow airplane model for instruction
- Setup tables and chairs
- Setup Grill at 07:30 and get coffee going
- Get food going by 08:30 (1-2 people cooking)
- Get all kids flowing through registration table to sign their form (1 person on table)
- Get them flying with someone (1 person will marshal kids out to planes)
- Instruct the kids on a basic ground lesson for about 30-45 mins 08:45 and on (1-2 people)
- Provide chaperones to go out and look at the display aircraft (1-2 people taking them out in groups for safety)
- Print completion certificates and fill out their souvenir logbooks in Norcal Office. (you can endorse as instruction if you are a CFI if you want) (1 person)
Display aircraft such as Richard Ryan’s Jenny, an Eclipse jet, 2-3 warbirds, Gary’s Piet, and any other plane that someone wants to bring down for display, will be on the South Transient ramp, as well. Please bring your planes out! We want to keep all planes in one place and away from the traffic and flow of the fuel pumps, so head South. If you are responsible for tugging any of them, take them to the first couple of rows where there is space.
11 pilots are registered, but more are welcome!
– please park planes on South side of South transient spots. Bring your medical, pilot cert, and EAA card – they’ll be photocopied in the office and you’ll sign the pilot form.
There is going to be a lot of flying on Sunday morning!
8 ground volunteers are registered, but more are welcome!