California Highway Patrol Flight Operations in northern California

California Highway Patrol Flight Operations in northern California
Topic: Operation aspect of both the fixed wing and helicopter flight operations
On Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 10:00 Pacific Daylight Time
Quonset Hut – EAA Chapter 157, West Side Benton airport
3025 South Street
Quonset Hut
Redding, CA 96001

Select Number:

CHP Flight Officer, Jeff Edgerton will brief the attendee’s regarding the mission and purpose of the air arm of the California Highway Patrol, then he will discuss and review the scope of operations in northern California (Redding Flight Office)……. and how it may impact the ability of the CHP flight officers to conduct their operations/missions with safety. He will steer the presentation with a special emphasis regarding general aviation flight operations.. and how it may interfere or hinder the outcome of the CHP flight mission. Attendees’ should consider and appreciate that the Redding flight department covers from about Corning to the Oregon border and from Crescent City, Arcata, Eureka, Fortuna to Alturas/almost Reno… estimating a 200 mile by 200-mile service area. Jeff presented a safety seminar about 30 months ago, it was excellent and it allowed the attendees’ to understand and appreciate why to stay away from CHP flight operations as a GA pilot.

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

Understanding Impairment Risk

Understanding Impairment Risk
Topic: The topic of this event is Understanding Impairment Risk.
On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 19:30 Pacific Daylight Time
Nevada County Airport
13083 John Bauer Avenue
Grass Valley, CA
Grass Valley, CA 95945

Select Number:

This event will be held in conjunction with the monthly meeting of EAA Chapter 1175. The meeting begins at 7pm, but the presentation will be around 7:30pm. In the presentation, we’ll talk a little bit about recent NTSB and FAA studies that feature some interesting findings with respect to pilots and medications.

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

Go fly Friday, 8-19

National Aviation Day is observed in the United States on August 19 each year to celebrate the history and development of aviation. It coincides with the birthday of Orville Wright who, together with his brother Wilbur, made significant contributions to powered flight.

In 1939 President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed August 19 to be National Aviation Day. So go and fly!

Fly the aircraft first

Topic of Month- Fly the aircraft first
Topic: Topic of Month Fly the aircraft first
On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time
Nut Tree airport admin bld
2000 County Airport Road
Admin Bld
Vacaville, CA 95688

Select Number:

Topic of Month Fly the aircraft first

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

August newsletter items

The newsletter is being re-formatted a bit, and the August issue is coming this week. Scott has added a “wants and disposal” section so if any chapter members are looking for something or want to get rid of something and want it posted in the newsletter, please pass along a brief description of the item. Include your name and phone/email information and it will be posted. It needs to be sent by tonight to be included this month.

If anyone has any short updates or news items that they might think interesting to pass along, mail Scott.

EAA Chapter vs. Chapter Competition at the Golden West Fly-In October 15, 2016

The Golden West Fly-In will be held at the Marysville Airport on Saturday, October 15, 2016. The October venue should provide cooler weather and subdued winds for this year’s gathering! The format for Golden West 2016 will again be a one day Fly-In, open to the public at no charge ($5 auto parking fee). EAA Chapters will continue to have a large role this year with the inclusion of Young Eagle Flights, Wings Seminars, and the annual EAA Chapter vs. Chapter Competition.

This year the Chapter Competition will include:

  1. Traditional Aircraft Judging
  2. Flight Competitions (a Spot Landing and Bomb Drop contest)
  3. Additional points will be awarded to Chapters providing Young Eagles Flights

The winning Chapter will be awarded a 1st Place Photo/Plaque and $350 Prize Money, plus, for the first time, the 2nd Place Chapter will be awarded $100! All Competitors and Young Eagle Aircraft (and their passengers) will receive a free breakfast voucher courtesy of Golden West. A Saturday Fly-Out with a free breakfast and a fund raiser for your Chapter sounds like a winner to me! As an additional bonus, Golden West will be providing a fuel discount for all aircraft attending this year’s Fly-In.

Chapter vs Chapter Competition – (Additional information will be forthcoming)
Judging – This year’s contest will allow 3 judged entrants per Chapter to include: 2 Homebuilt aircraft plus 1 Antique thru Contemporary (1972 or earlier production) aircraft.

Additional bonus points will be awarded for:

  1. the variety of aircraft entered
  2. the oldest Homebuilt
  3. the oldest Antique/Classic
  4. the oldest participating pilot
  5. the youngest participating pilot

Those who received “additional points” at G.W. 2015 cannot repeat the bonus points for 2016 but may still enter the competition.

Flight Competition – Fixed wing only. Each Chapter may enter 1 or 2 aircraft of any year make or model for the Spot Landing and Bomb Drop competitions. (The winner for the Spot Landing contest from the previous year may participate, but cannot win the event).

Young Eagles – Bonus points will be awarded for Chapters providing Young Eagle Flights (limit 2 aircraft per Chapter).

For planning purposes, Chapter 1175 needs to know if we plan to participate. If you have any questions, please give Jim Booth a call – H: 530-470-8414.