We need volunteers for the following events. Check that your sign-up details are correct, and that you’re signed up for everything you thought you were. Blank spaces are where we still have opportunities!
5/2 09:00 – 14:00
Car show with
Dusty – Century 21 parking lot
801 Sterling Parkway, Lincoln
- Tony Kasabasich
- John Perry
- Tom Lieb
- Dug Smith
5/5 17:00 – 20:00
Lincoln Food Truck Night
Beerman downtown plaza, Lincoln
- Steve Campbell
- Bob Butera
5/9 08:30 – 14:00
Parents Resource Guide
Lincoln Community Centre, 2010 F Street, Lincoln
- Bob and Patti Miller
5/15 17:00 – 20:00
Roseville Food Truck Night
Vernon Street, Roseville
- Tom S
- Rich Ryan
5/20 17:00 – 20:00
Folsom Foodtruck Night
Folsom Zoo
- Evan Strasser
- Mike Haag
5/23 09:00 – 14:00
Home Depot
1000 Groveland Lane, Lincoln
- John Perry
You can still volunteer for this opportunity!
5/28 17:00 – 20:00
Rocklin Food Night
Rocklin Johnson Springview Park
- Evan Strasser
You can still volunteer for this opportunity!
5/31 09:00 – finished
Tri-motor hangar cleanup
- Tom Lieb
- Steve Campbell
- Gary Boothe
- Dug Smith
You can still volunteer for this opportunity!
Downtown Lincoln with
- Tom Lieb
- Bob Butera
You can still volunteer for this opportunity!
6/5 15:00 – 20:00
Rods and Relics Car Show
Thunder Vallay Casino
- Larry Bontrager
- Scott Thompson
- Evan Strasser
You can still volunteer for this opportunity!