Saturday, February 8: Muffins, Coffee, and Juice

Come to our EAA hangar at the Lincoln Airport on Saturday, February 8, for muffins, juice, and coffee between 8 am and 10 am. Meet and greet local pilots and aviation enthusiasts and see what is going on at our local airport.

We will also offer a short program by chapter pilot Jim Hughes about his unique wingtip modifications he is making to his Cessna 175.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

EAA Chapter 1541 is the local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, a national group that proudly supports all aspects of sport aviation from ultralights to warbirds. We built, fly, and talk about airplanes a lot. If that sounds interesting to you, come on out to the airport on Saturday.

Once at the airport, follow the “EAA” signs on Flightline Drive to find our dedicated hangar. We’ll have hot coffee and snacks available, plus our fun and free flight simulators will be available to all, adults and kids alike.

We’ll also have a Young Eagles Build And Fly session after the muffins are put away, from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Build and Fly is a youth activity building a radio-control mode aircraft. We are nearing completion of the project and helping hands are always welcome.

IMC/VMC club online meeting Thurs. February 6 2025 at 7 pm PST

Our February pilot education meeting will have two “What Would You Do?“; scenarios. The IMC scenario involves a night time IFR approach in a mountainous area where a terrain warning interrupts the approach. The VMC scenario involves a student pilot attempting to make a landing at a busy towered airport where an opposite direction traffic conflict suddenly appears.

To join the meeting, click the link below at 7 pm PST on Thursday, February 6th:

All are invited to attend.

Fly safe!

Saturday, January 11, 2025: Muffins, Juice, and Coffee

On Saturday, January 11th, we will be doing something a bit different for our first Second Saturday Gathering of 2025. We’ll still meet rom 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at the EAA hangar, S-12 at the Lincoln Regional Airport. (If you are not familiar with the airport, navigate to Flight Line Drive and follow the “EAA” signs. All are welcome.)

We’re going to let the pancake griddle cool down this month and give our great cooking team (Scott Whelan) a bit of a break. Instead, we’ll have muffins, orange juice, and hot coffee to greet the new year. We’ll also fire up the propane space heater to keep it relatively warm and toasty.

This will be a social time but we will have our flight simulators up and running for anyone to try. We’ll also have a welcome table...perfect for those wanting to pay their dues for 2025. Annual chapter dues, either single or family, remains at $30 per calendar year. Otherwise, we’ll ask you to throw a buck into the jar if you want to enjoy the muffins, etc. That’s right: $1.00 for something that would cost, like, $15 at Starbucks.

We’ll also have some announcements and a short presentation by our chapter’s Ray Scholar graduate Anthony Duran on his flight experiences in the San Jose State University Aviation program.  The program will begin at 9:30.  Hope to see you there!

IMC/VMC club meeting Thurs. January 2, 2025 at 7 pm PST

Our first IMC/VMC online club meeting of 2025 will be held Thursday, January 2nd from 7-8 pm PST.  This pilot education meeting will have two “What Would You Do?” scenarios. The IMC scenario involves a traffic conflict that arises just after canceling IFR on final approach to an uncontrolled airport.  The VMC scenario involves a light twin aircraft with landing gear that retract but will not extend for landing.  Attendees are invited to use their pilot experiences to say how they would handle these unexpected in-flight challenges.

In order to join this meeting, click this link at 7 pm Thurs. Jan. 2:

Fly safe!

2024 Holiday Party on Wed. December 11th, 6-8 pm

Our 2024 Chapter 1541 Holiday Party is set for Wednesday, December 11, at BJs Restaurant in Roseville (on Roseville Parkway kitty-corner across from the Galleria). We are making a special effort this year to keep the cost as low as possible so we can include more families. Tickets are $40 for adults and $15 for kids under the age of 12. The meal will be a pizza buffet with a specialty entrée (either roasted chicken breast or a BJ’s specialty pasta), salad and non-alcoholic drinks. There is also a no-host bar available at BJs.

Our party will be an informal social gathering beginning at 6:00 pm and lasting until 8:00 pm.  Our program will include presentation of the 2024 EAA Recognition Awards to chapter volunteers, and we will have some fun including an Ugly Sweater Contest — please come dressed for success!

This year we are adopting a “Helping Others for the Holidays” theme at our event.  For this we are asking attendees to bring either a canned food item for The Salt Mine charity in Lincoln, or a new unwrapped toy to donate to Toys for Tots in Lincoln.  Add a little of the joy of serving others to your holiday menu!

The Salt Mine staff tell us that nonperishable food items with protein are much needed, such as canned tuna, tuna lunch packs, canned chili or protein bars.  They also need canned fruit during the cold months.

Toys for Tots suggests new, unwrapped toys such as sporting equipment, balls, and bags, books, backpacks, board games or handheld electronics.

If you’d prefer to just make a donation at the party, we’ll have scannable QR codes that go to those organizations’ donation pages. 

Or you can just enjoy the good food, fellowship and fun without making any donation! It’s all good!  

Tickets must be purchased ahead of time; they will not be available at the door of the event. The firm deadline for ticket purchase is Saturday, December 7.

To keep the dinner ticket prices as low as possible, we are selling them at pretty close to cost, so the dinner itself is not a fundraiser for the chapter. Tickets purchased online will be “will-call” by name at the door at the event.

Please plan on joining us for the evening of Wednesday, December 11.

Adult Holiday Party Ticket ($40.00 each)

Child Under Age 12 Holiday Party Ticket ($15.00 each)

Second Saturday Breakfast and Program November 9th starting at 8 am

On Saturday, November 9th, we will be having our Second Saturday Pancake Breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at the EAA hangar, S-12 at the Lincoln Regional Airport. If you are not familiar with the airport, navigate to Flight Line Drive and follow the “EAA” signs. All are welcome.

We’ll be cooking pancakes, eggs, and other good stuff from 8:00 am to 9:30 am when the grill shuts down, so come early. Breakfast is $10.00 per person, $5.00 per youth under 17, or $25.00 per family. We’ll also happily renew your chapter dues for the coming year. Cost is $30 for individuals or families. We’ll have our flight simulators up and running and attended to help you or your kids take flight.

At 9:30 we will have a presentation that features general aviation’s contributions to 21st century climate science.

Our presenter will be chapter member Jack Allison who flies a turbo-equipped Mooney loaded with computers and sensors to do systematic air sampling. He is a research pilot for Scientific Aviation, which does a unique type of aerial survey that quantifies emissions at land fills, oil & gas facilities, pipelines, dairies, etc., and collects air samples for agencies such as the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Air Resources Board.

Jack’s presentation will be entitled “Flying a Mooney from 200 AGL to FL250 for science

At the left is a photo of the California coast at Arcata taken by Jack from Flight Level 250.

Don’t miss this educational session on what it takes to be a professional scientific research pilot.

This presentation will be followed at 10:30 by a Build and Fly RC model building session.

Hope to see you there!

IMC/VMC club online meeting on Thurs. November 7th at 7 pm

This pilot education meeting will have two “What Would You Do?” scenarios. The IMC
scenario involves loss of flight critical avionics shortly after departure. The VMC scenario involves a VFR flight to an island where, due to strong crosswinds, the aircraft strikes a runway light and incurs damage but is able to go around.

To join the meeting, click this link at 7 pm PST on Thursday, Nov. 7th:

For those not wishing to receive Wings credit, the link to join the meeting will be sent to the chapter members list 24 hours prior to the event.

Fly safe!

Second Saturday Breakfast and Program on Saturday, October 12th 8 a.m.

On Saturday, October 12th, we will be having our Second Saturday Pancake Breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at the EAA hangar, S-12 at the Lincoln Regional Airport. If you are not familiar with the airport, navigate to Flight Line Drive and follow the “EAA” signs. All are welcome.

We’ll be cooking pancakes, eggs, and other good stuff from 8:00 am to 9:30 am when the grill shuts down, so come early. Breakfast is $10.00 per person, $5.00 per youth under 17, or $25.00 per family. We’ll also happily renew your chapter dues for 2024. Cost is $30 for individuals or families. We’ll have our flight simulators up and running and attended to help you or your kids take flight.

At 9:30 we will have a presentation entitled “Owning and flying 1930’s military history: the Ryan PT-21 and PT-22”  by Will Gottenberg and Mike Anderson.

Mike has the distinction of owning the only airworthy PT-21 left in the world, and flies formation with Will’s PT-22 when Will’s airline pilot day job permits.  Both World War II trainer aircraft are hangared at Lincoln, and will be present just outside the EAA hangar on Saturday, October 12th starting at 0930.  The Ryans were built in San Diego and colloquially known as “Maytag Messerschmitts” by the cadets in training because of the distinctive sound of their 5 cylinder radial engines.  [You can hear the sound of those engines here as the aircraft arrive at the meeting.]  They are truly “historic large jewelry” and a treat to behold up close. Bring your camera for a historic selfie with these famous military trainers on Saturday morning, October 12th.

October IMC/VMC online meeting on Thurs., October 3 at 7 pm PDT

This pilot education meeting will have three components.  First, CFII Scott Thompson will give a talk for both IFR and VFR pilots on the functioning of Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lights and how they contribute to improved landing safety.

Next, we will have two “What Would You Do?” problem-solving scenarios. The IMC scenario is a flight that involves a VFR departure and an attempt to pick up an IFR clearance enroute which encounters difficulties. The VMC scenario involves a VFR departure at near gross weight from a short runway, where functioning of the flaps is not normal.

To join this event click this link at 7 pm PDT on Thursday, October 3:

Fly safe!

Second Saturday Pancake Breakfast and Program, Sept. 14th beginning at 8:00 a.m.

On Saturday, September 14th, we will be having our Second Saturday Pancake Breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at the EAA hangar, S-12 at the Lincoln Regional Airport. If you are not familiar with the airport, navigate to Flight Line Drive and follow the “EAA” signs. All are welcome.

We’ll be cooking pancakes, eggs, and other good stuff from 8:00 am to 9:30 am when the grill shuts down, so come early. Breakfast is $10.00 per person, $5.00 per youth under 17, or $25.00 per family. We’ll also happily renew your chapter dues for 2024. Cost is $30 for individuals or families. We’ll have our flight simulators up and running and attended to help you or your kids take flight.

At 9:30 we will have a presentation entitled “Go Fast, Turn Left. Flying the 2024 EAA AirVenture Cup Race” by chapter member Mark Rieger, who is going to fly his personally hand crafted Cozy Mark IV race plane in for all to see, and tell us about his experience as a rookie race pilot at Oshkosh 2024.  (Spoiler Alert: Top Five finish!)

This will be followed at 10:30 by a Build and Fly RC model building session.

Big fun is in store.  Hope to see you there!