Our 2024 Chapter 1541 Holiday Party is set for Wednesday, December 11, at BJs Restaurant in Roseville (on Roseville Parkway kitty-corner across from the Galleria). We are making a special effort this year to keep the cost as low as possible so we can include more families. Tickets are $40 for adults and $15 for kids under the age of 12. The meal will be a pizza buffet with a specialty entrée (either roasted chicken breast or a BJ’s specialty pasta), salad and non-alcoholic drinks. There is also a no-host bar available at BJs.

Our party will be an informal social gathering beginning at 6:00 pm and lasting until 8:00 pm. Our program will include presentation of the 2024 EAA Recognition Awards to chapter volunteers, and we will have some fun including an Ugly Sweater Contest — please come dressed for success!
This year we are adopting a “Helping Others for the Holidays” theme at our event. For this we are asking attendees to bring either a canned food item for The Salt Mine charity in Lincoln, or a new unwrapped toy to donate to Toys for Tots in Lincoln. Add a little of the joy of serving others to your holiday menu!
The Salt Mine staff tell us that nonperishable food items with protein are much needed, such as canned tuna, tuna lunch packs, canned chili or protein bars. They also need canned fruit during the cold months.
Toys for Tots suggests new, unwrapped toys such as sporting equipment, balls, and bags, books, backpacks, board games or handheld electronics.
If you’d prefer to just make a donation at the party, we’ll have scannable QR codes that go to those organizations’ donation pages.
Or you can just enjoy the good food, fellowship and fun without making any donation! It’s all good!
Tickets must be purchased ahead of time; they will not be available at the door of the event. The firm deadline for ticket purchase is Saturday, December 7.
To keep the dinner ticket prices as low as possible, we are selling them at pretty close to cost, so the dinner itself is not a fundraiser for the chapter. Tickets purchased online will be “will-call” by name at the door at the event.
Please plan on joining us for the evening of Wednesday, December 11.
Adult Holiday Party Ticket ($40.00 each)
Child Under Age 12 Holiday Party Ticket ($15.00 each)