NOTAM FDC 0/1665

A NOTAM has been published that will affect flight in the area during President Trump’s planned visit.


On the MC CLELLAN VOR/DME (MCC) 081 degree radial at 0.2 nautical miles.
From the surface up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL.

10:15 AM PDT until 2:00 PM PDT Monday, September 14, 2020

On the MC CLELLAN VOR/DME (MCC) 081 degree radial at 0.2 nautical miles.
From the surface up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL.

10:15 AM PDT until 2:00 PM PDT Monday, September 14, 2020

Affected Public Use Airports
KMCC Mc Clellan Airfield
L36 Rio Linda Airport
KMHR Sacramento Mather Airport
KSMF Sacramento International Airport
KSAC Sacramento Executive Airport
KLHM Lincoln Regional/Karl Harder Field
KRIU Rancho Murieta Airport
O61 Cameron Park Airport
KEDU University Airport F72 Franklin Field
KDWA Yolo County Airport
O41 Watts-Woodland Airport
KAUN Auburn Municipal Airport
KMYV Yuba County Airport
1O3 Lodi Airport
O52 Sutter County Airport
E36 Georgetown Airport

Additional Notes:

No pilots may operate an aircraft in the areas covered by this NOTAM (except as described).

Except as specified below and/or unless authorized by ATC in consultation with the air traffic security coordinator via the domestic events network (DEN):

A. All aircraft operations within the 10 NMR area(s) listed above, known as the inner core(s), are prohibited except for: Approved law enforcement, military aircraft directly supporting the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the office of the President of the United States, approved air ambulance flights, and regularly scheduled commercial passenger and all-cargo carriers operating under one of the following TSA-Approved standard security programs/procedures: aircraft operator standard security program (AOSSP), full all-cargo aircraft operator standard security program (FACAOSSP), model security program (MSP), twelve five standard security program (TFSSP) all cargo, or all-cargo international security procedure (ACISP) and are arriving into and/or departing from 14 cfr part 139 airports. All emergency/life-saving flight (medical/law enforcement/firefighting) operations must coordinate with ATC prior to their departure at 916-366-4019 to avoid potential delays.

B. For operations within the airspace between the 10 NMR and 30 NMR area listed above, known as the outer ring(s): All aircraft operating within the outer ring(s) listed above are limited to aircraft arriving or departing local airfields, and workload permitting, ATC may authorize transit operations. Aircraft may not loiter. All aircraft must be on an active IFR or filed VFR flight plan with a discrete code assigned by an Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility. Aircraft must be squawking the discrete code prior to departure and at all times while in the TFR and must remain in two-way radio communications with ATC.

C. The following operations are not authorized within this TFR: flight training, practice instrument approaches, aerobatic flight, glider operations, seaplane operations, parachute operations, ultralight, hang gliding, balloon operations, agriculture/crop dusting, animal population control flight operations, banner towing operations, sightseeing operations, maintenance test flights, model aircraft operations, model rocketry, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), and utility and pipeline survey operations.

D. UAS operators who do not comply with applicable airspace restrictions are warned that pursuant to 10 U.S.C. section 130I and 6 U.S.C. section 124N, the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Department of Justice (DOJ) may take security action that results in the interference, disruption, seizure, damaging, or destruction of unmanned aircraft deemed to pose a credible safety or security threat to protected personnel, facilities, or assets.

E. FAA recommends that all aircraft operators check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes to this TFR prior to operations within this region.

F. The System Operations Support Center (SOSC), is the point of contact and coordination facility for any questions regarding this NOTAM and are available daily from 0700-2300 EDT, phone 202-267-8276

Hayward Tower Operations

Topic: Hayward Airport is a difficult airport for pilots and controllers. It’s crucial that we learn how to operate there safely.
On Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (13:00 MDT, 14:00 CDT, 15:00 EDT, 09:00 HST, 11:00 AKDT, 12:00 Arizona, 19:00 GMT)

Select Number:

The Bay Area has one of the most dense, and complex airspaces in the United States. Pilots need to be competent to fly in these high density environments for the safety of themselves, their passengers, and other pilots around them. Hayward Airport, located beneath the San Francisco Class Bravo, and the Oakland Class Charlie, has challenges for both pilots and controllers. It’s crucial that pilots understand and comply with ATC instructions while flying at Hayward.

San Carlos Flight Center invites Michael Osburn, an Air Traffic Controller at Hayward Executive Tower to discuss how pilots can better understand local procedures and ATC instructions. Michael will provide a big picture view of air traffic in the Bay Area, what ATC see’s of pilots and airplanes on their radar, then narrowing down to how that flow affects Hayward and their daily operations. After, Michael will delve into Hayward Noise Abatement Procedures, and its relevance to different airspaces, while also keeping emphasis on the importance of pilot understanding of ATC instructions. He will also relay how failure to understand ATC instructions can result in incorrect readbacks, runway incursions, and even larger incidents.

With Michael being an Air Traffic Controller for over 17 years, he has gained his fair share of experiences dealing with pilots from all different ratings and backgrounds. He will share many resources with the audience, and will be open to any questions about Hayward Operations or ATC Interaction in general.

If you want to learn more about how you can become a safer, and more efficient pilot, you won’t want to miss this seminar.

Michael Osburn is a veteran Air Traffic Controller for over 17 years. He has controlling experience at TRACONs such as Point Mugu and Whidbey Island, has provided ATC services overseas for the United States Navy, and currently works as an ATC at Hayward Executive Airport. He has always been an advocate for pilot safety, and enjoys presenting to the pilot community.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Normalization of Deviation

Topic: How human factors makes us accept shortcuts that we later perceive as normal until disaster strikes.
On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Murphy’s law is wrong. What can go wrong usually doesn’t and the outcome is favorable. The problem is that this causes us to conclude that our actions must had been correct, since the outcome was good. This rationalization is the beginning of the process where a new normal is established that accepts shortcuts to safety and standard operating practices.

This webinar will discuss famous examples of this happening, how human factors and external pressures combine to, in time, create a new norm. We will discuss how common pilot thinking is a contributing factor. Finally, we will present some countermeasures.

Normalization of deviation is a large factor in mishaps so expect an eye-opening discussion where you can reflect on your own habits and practices.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Ten Secret Sights on the California Coast only Pilots can See and How to Fly them like a Pro

Topic: Fly a coastal tour through the eyes of a geologist and NOAA research pilot
On Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Due to popular demand, we’re back! Don’t miss out on your last chance to see the seminar one pilot called “one of the best I have seen in my 17 years of flying in the Bay Area.”

California pilots are treated to the jaw-dropping beauty of the coast on a regular basis, but we bet you’ve never seen it like this. Join a former NOAA research pilot and a PhD Geologist for a new kind of coastal tour to unlock ten secret sights you can only see from the sky.

We’ll spice up your coastal flying with an aerial tour of history and wildlife spanning all the way from Shelter Cove to the Channel Islands. Learn where to spot whales and sharks, how to fly along the San Andreas fault, and hear wild stories of flying for science. We’ll cover all this while teaching you easy-to-follow tips and tricks to keep you safe and protect our ocean treasures.

All pilots are invited to attend this truly unique and fun opportunity. A brief overview of the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program will be offered at the webinar opening.

CDR Matthew Pickett, NOAA (Ret) served twenty years providing operational support for research missions aboard ships, small boats, aircraft, and SCUBA diving, and rose to become Chief of the Remote Sensing Division Flight Branch. He flew a DeHavilland Twin Otter and Cessna Citation on far-flung missions including Arctic polar bear surveys, high-altitude mapping, and fisheries enforcement.

After retiring from active flying, CDR Pickett served as the Operations Manager for the NOAA Collaborative Center for Unmanned Technologies and in 2016 co-founded the nonprofit Oceans Unmanned with the mission to facilitate the use of unmanned technologies for environmental research and monitoring.

Wendy Kordesch is the Outreach Specialist at the Seabird Protection Network, and builds partnerships with pilots to help wildlife thrive on our coasts. She holds a PhD in Ocean Science and has presented to dozens of pilots, flying clubs and organizations across the Bay Area, as well as the US Coast Guard.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

VIP Notice – Reno, Nevada

Notice Number: NOTC1359

Notice: Expect VIP movement September 12, 2020 in the vicinity of Reno, Nevada. Pilots can expect temporary airspace restrictions in conjunction with this VIP movement.

The FAA recommends that all aircraft operators check NOTAMs OFTEN for temporary airspace restrictions prior to operations within this region.

Specific instructions and restrictions are available at once the NOTAM has been issued.

*Depicted TFR data may not be a complete listing. Pilots should not use the information on this website for flight planning purposes. For the latest information, call your local Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF [Call: 1-800-WX-BRIEF] .

Arcana from the AIM

Topic: The AIM is a very thorough piece of information for pilots to reference, but do you know how to be a master of it?
On Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Think you know the insides and outs of the FAR and the AIM? Many pilots are familiar with the basic guidance provided in these resources, however there are many intricacies detailed in the seldom read pages of the AIM. There are numerous procedures, and techniques covered within the depths of the AIM that might be useful someday.

Have you ever heard of a cruise clearance? How about a through clearance? Verbal? If you have never heard of them to begin with, or if your palms sweat if someone presses you to clarify, then it’s time to explore the full extent of the AIM and expand your piloting knowledge. San Carlos Flight Center invites Ben Taber ATP and Chief Pilot of Dreamline Aviation to share with pilots how they can become safer, more efficient, and uncover some of the mysteries within the AIM.

Attend this seminar to raise your AIM IQ by 20 points as you broaden your knowledge of the AIM and understand how to utilize some of these arcane procedures.

Capt. Bennett Taber is a check airman and training captain with over 20 years and 17,000 hours of air charter experience throughout the western United States. His first 500 hours of flying were conducted in Alaska. Captain Taber manages flight operations and charter sales for Dreamline Aviation in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a Dreamline Training Captain in Beech King Air aircraft.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

How to Ace Your Flight Review

Topic: Flight reviews can be challenging for those who aren’t prepared, join us, and learn how to be ready to succeed.
On Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (13:00 MDT, 14:00 CDT, 15:00 EDT, 09:00 HST, 11:00 AKDT, 12:00 Arizona, 19:00 GMT)

Select Number:

It’s been a while since you’ve flown, and it’s time for your biennial flight review. What do you need to do to feel confident, prepared, and ready to fly?

San Carlos Flight Center invites CFI Sid Basu to explore what to expect on your next flight review. In this seminar, Sid will review what students could prepare in advance to ace their flight review, such as what are the legal requirements for completing a flight review, currency requirements, and overall aeronautical knowledge. The majority of us will need to do a flight review at one point, so why not be prepared before you get there?

Join us and be ready to tackle your next flight review.

Sid Basu is a CFI ASEL, Commercial ASEL, AMEL and Instrument rated pilot with over 1900 hours total time and over 1300 hours of dual given. He has been flying since 2008 and has been instructing at San Carlos Flight Center since 2017.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Light Sport Aircraft What to Know and Best Practices

Topic: Learn what Light Sport Flying is about and the Best Practices for Instructing in LSA
On Monday, September 14, 2020 at 18:00 Pacific Daylight Time (19:00 MDT, 20:00 CDT, 21:00 EDT, 15:00 HST, 17:00 AKDT, 18:00 Arizona, 01:00 GMT)

Select Number:

In depth review of the rules of LSA and the Best Practices for Flight Instruction in LSA

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Radio Communications 4 Class B and C Airspace

Topic: Flying around busy and complex airspace like class C and B can be daunting for pilots, join and learn how to make it not be.
On Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Pilots new to the SF Bay area sometimes feel uncomfortable communicating with controllers in busier Class B and C airports. Let’s address that. Let’s talk about radio communications and help each other overcome fears, operate more safely, and smooth the work of Tower and Approach Controllers.

In this seminar, San Carlos Flight Center continues our radio communications series, this time focusing on general aviation operations at Class Bravo and Charlie airports. SFO, OAK, and SJC come with a whole new set of challenges for GA pilots; increased traffic loads operating in the airspace, more frequency congestion, different entrance requirements, and a whole lot more. This seminar can help you to become a more effective communicator within class B and C airspace, and prove to the controllers that you got it under control.

You surely won’t want to miss this seminar if you have ever felt uneasy operating within Class B or C airspace. This seminar is guaranteed to make sure that all pilots will feel safer on their next flight into these airports, don’t miss out.

Dan Dyer is the founder of the San Carlos Flight Center, and has built the motto of Safety, Community, and Adventure for over 8 years. Dan was an instructor for 15 years, accumulated over 4,000 flight hours, and is the Bay Area’s local expert in crosswind landing instruction. He is known for finding simple and innovative ways to explain complex topics and regularly speaks on advanced ground school topics. Find out more about Dan at or contact him at

Herb Patten is the Chief Pilot at the San Carlos Flight Center, a CFI and an FAA certificated advanced and instrument ground instructor who teaches private pilot ground school at San Carlos Flight Center. He is a commercial pilot with an instrument rating, has over 1,500 hours and flown into at least 120 different California airports. He is co-founder of the Bay Area Student and New Pilot Support Group, and a board member of the Upwind Foundation, famous for its Upwind Summer Scholarship Program. In 2015, Herb was named a Master Instructor by the National Association of Flight Instructors.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

California Focused Aviation Webinars Featuring John And Martha King

Topic: A full day of California-focused aviation safety and engagement webinars, featuring John and Martha King.
On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 09:00 Pacific Daylight Time (10:00 MDT, 11:00 CDT, 12:00 EDT, 06:00 HST, 08:00 AKDT, 09:00 Arizona, 16:00 GMT)

Select Number:

This year, the CalPilots Annual Meeting goes online! Join us for California Zooming!

The event will start at 9AM and continue until 5PM, and filled with lots of great sessions throughout the day. For full schedule and content information, go here.

Several of the sessions will be available for Wings Knowledge credit:

9:30AM California Flying Oddities, with Brian Schiff and Mike Jesch. More info here.

1:30PM Straight Talk About Aviation Safety, with John and Martha King. More info here.

3:25PM CalDART Covid-19 Operations, with Paul Marshall, Ed Story, and Ron Lovick. More info here.

4:10PM Avoiding Wing Dings: Operating Safely On The Ground, with Gary Schank. More info here.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.