The June board meeting is on June 13th

The June Board of Directors meeting takes place on Wednesday 13th. It will be at the House of Pizza, 2270 Nicolaus Rd., Lincoln… dinner at 18:00, meeting at 18:30. All members are invited.


  • 6:00 pm: Food, etc.
  • 6:30 pm: Meeting Start
    1. Richard and Sue Bristow
    2. Financial Report/Membership Report/Minutes (Jim)
    3. Upcoming Calendar Review (attached, Scott)
    4. Old Business
      1. LRAA Display Day on Saturday, June 16.
      2. Member Meeting on Wednesday, June 20 (Hangar)
      3. Update from Rubin on hangar work
      4. Future hangar plans: audiovisual clean up and insulation
      5. Update from Erika on library plans
      6. Update, if any, from Erika on Leadership and Development Program
      7. Update on Chapter logo
      8. Strategic Planning
    5. New Business
      1. Hangar tenant
      2. Question about pro-rating Gold Membership
      3. Email cleanup and membership dues
      4. Set next Young Eagles Rally for Saturday, October 6
      5. Holiday Party: dates and location and chairperson?
      6. Other new business
  • 8:30 pm: Meeting over
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Tragic News

As you may have already heard, chapter member Richard Bristow and his wife, Sue, were killed in an aircraft accident near Petaluma on Sunday afternoon. Richard has been an integral member of our chapter since its inception and was the chapter president in 2014-2015. Both Richard and Sue were regular attenders at chapter functions and I speak for all to say we are stunned and saddened at their tragic loss. Their family has been notified and we, as a chapter, will reach out to offer our assistance in any way possible. Our chapter will provide details as they come available as to arrangements and opportunities to help out.

The chapter has no information beyond what has been available in the media. As in all aircraft accidents, I would encourage everyone to refrain from speculation and expressed opinion as the authorities complete an investigation into the accident.

Please keep the Bristow family in your prayers this week.

Fly Out to Nut Tree for Legends of Flight Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 26, 08:30

We have a number of people who have expressed interest in flying to Nut Tree on Saturday morning to participate in the Legends of Flight Pancake Breakfast. We will plan to depart Lincoln at about 08:30 or, for those with slower aircraft, plan to meet on the ramp at Nut Tree at about 09:00. Please respond if you plan to participate and let us know if you have any seats available for passengers who might want to come along.

Weather looks like it will be okay… there might be some marine layer clouds in the Vacaville area but it’s hard to tell at this point.

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Membership meeting May 16th

Come out for our chapter’s regular monthly member meeting at the EAA hangar on Wednesday night, May 16. We will offer a BBQ dinner beginning at 18:00 so you don’t have to cook that night. Meeting will start at about 18:45 or so with some short business items to cover.

We have several items on the agenda including an update on the Learning and Development program that the chapter board of directors is pushing forward. We will also have a presentation by chapter member Paul “Dubs” Darbo on what was involved in buying an old Mooney and rejoining the ranks as an aviator.

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Successful Young Eagles Rally

We had an excellent Young Eagles Rally. We flew a total of 69 kids over five hours of flying. There were many chapter members and others who pitched in an helped make the Rally a success, and I want to make sure everyone knows how much it is appreciated. We had guys out at the airport at 05:45 this morning getting things ready, and a good group working on the ramp and cooking and providing administration and just being on hand to answer questions and help out. We had a few glitches but overall it went well.

In the next weeks we want to take a look at what we did right and what we could have done better today, so for anyone who participated please let us know if you saw problems that should be addressed next time. For those in the chapter who were unable to help out today, well, you missed a great activity and an opportunity to promote aviation to young people. But, take heart because we will have another Rally later in the year and you may be able to help then.

Thanks again to the eleven pilots who gave their time and aircraft, and to the multitude of helpers on the ground. We also need to thank NorCal Flight Center (chapter member Chris Braun) who generously offered us the use of their conference room for registrations, and also LRAA for the airplane demonstrator. And, the city of Lincoln and Rich and Tony provided some infrastructure stuff that we put to good use.

We have a Facebook posting on the Rally, so I would appreciate any comments or quotes from kids who were flown today, and also the posting of any photos that any of you may have taken that illustrates the day we had.

Thanks again to all who pitched in.

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