Membership meeting, Wednesday

Come out for the monthly member meeting at hangar S12 on Wednesday the 18th. We’ll have dinner at 18:00 and then a brief chapter business meeting. After the business is over, we’ll have a presentation by resident historian Marty Maisel who will present an overview of 42 years of Aeronautical engineering from propeller design to the development of the Osprey prototype and more.

Hangar meeting – Tuesday

Richard Bristow is having a meeting for hangar renters to discuss the city taking over from Nunno. It’ll be in his hangar (it’s the one at the end of the row in front of the taxiway, facing North) on Tuesday at 18:00.

Poker Run cancelled due to fires

We regret that due to all the fires in the area (most of all the Lobo fire, which is currently over 850 acres and is only 30% contained), and the impact this is having on visibility, we’re cancelling the 2017 EAA1541 poker run.

The forecast winds through the weekend aren’t strong enough to blow out any smoke, even if the fires were extinguished today, so we’ve decided to err on the side of caution.

Pre-pays via Paypal will be refunded today, and we’ll try again early next year.

The Annual Meeting and CalPilots AIRFEST at KSQL

The Annual Meeting and CalPilots AIRFEST will officially begin at San Carlos Airport (KSQL) Friday October 13th and features a full day program Saturday, October 14th with a BBQ Sunday morning.

They have a marvelous program involving some dynamite speakers, lots of good stories among pilots, learning opportunities, a famous accident investigation, airport protection tips and stories – it’ll all be at beautiful San Carlos Airport.

 4:30 PM             Open       Registration at Izzy’s (continuous
                                sign in; get your name tag; say hello!!
                                Prior registrations preferred.)
 5:00 PM             7:30 PM    CalPilots Reception and Town Hall 
                                meeting with Mark Baker, CEO, AOPA.

 7:30 AM             9:30 AM    Breakfast available at the Sky Kitchen
                                on field.
 8:30 AM             Open       Registration (continuous ~ sign in; get
                                your name tag; say hello!! 
                                Prior registrations preferred.)
 9:30 AM             9:45 AM    Greetings and Opening Address, 
                                Gretchen Kelly, Airport Manager, San 
                                Carlos Airport; 
                                Carol Ford, CalPilots Interim President
 9:45 AM~           11:15 AM    Airport Advocacy Panel, Edward Story 
                                CalPilots VP Reg 5, & Panel:
                                Melissa McCaffrey, Rayvon Williams, 
                                Karl Schweikert, Andy Wilson, 
                                Carol Ford 
                                (followed by a raffle)
11:15 AM            11:40 AM    Status: Caltrans Division of 
                                - Gary Cathey, Chief
11:40 AM            11:55 AM    Aviation at California Office of 
                                Emergency Services 
                                - Derek Kantar, Caltrans Aeronautics
11:55 AM            12:05 PM    CalPilots Disaster Airlift Response 
                                Team Status, Paul Marshall 
                                (Raffle immediately following)
12:05 PM             1:15 PM    Static Displays - Aircraft and DART
12:05 PM             1:15 PM    Philly Cheese Steak Lunch and possible
                                upscale food trucks
 1:15 PM             1:20 PM    Serving in CalPilots - Edward Story
 1:20 PM             1:30 PM    CalPilots Chapter Notes
                                - Karl Schweikert
 1:30 PM             1:45 PM    CalPilots Annual Elections with
                                Treasurer's Report
 1:45 PM             2:45 PM    AF 447 Deep Stall, Thunderstorm 
                                Penetration and Safety,
                                Commander Robert A Johnson, USN, Ret.
 2:45 PM             3:00 PM    Break and Raffle
 3:00 PM             4:00 PM    Basic Med - Dr Lenchner
                                (Raffle immediately following)
 4:00 PM             5:30 PM    Free Time.
 5:30 PM             8:30 PM    Oktoberfest at Hiller Aviation Museum

11:30 AM            1:00 PM     Barbecue hosted by 
                                San Carlos Airport Association

Registration: Pre-register at

VIP Notice – Sacramento, CA, 10/9-10.

VIP Notice – Sacramento, CA.
Notice Number: NOTC7420

Notice: Expect VIP movement October 9-10, 2017 in the vicinity of Sacramento, CA. Pilots can expect airspace restrictions in conjunction with this VIP movement. The FAA recommends that all aircraft operators check NOTAMs OFTEN for mandatory airspace restrictions prior to operations within this region.

Specific instructions and restrictions are available at once the NOTAM has been issued.

McClellan (KMCC) overnight runway closure

Please be advised that beginning Monday, October 9th 2017 both runways 16 & 34 at KMCC will be closed from the hours of 20:00 hours thru 09:00 hours daily for an estimated period of 26 days. The closure is to facilitate a complete remarking of both runways to bring them into current FAA advisory circular standards. During these days and specified closure hours the runways will be marked as closed using low profile barricades on taxiways, airport construction warning lights and lighted “X” equipment indicating the closure. The runways will re‐open daily between the hours of 09:00 hours thru 20:00 hours. Please use caution when operating on the airport during the open hours of operation as some markings may not be in place as the project is underway. NOTAMs will be issued during that time to indicate any markings that are not in place as well as a recording placed on the AWOS indicating the hours and dates of the closure.