TFR just East of KPVF

Issue Date : August 19, 2021 at 0316 UTC
Location : 3NM E PLACERVILLE, California
Beginning Date and Time : August 19, 2021 at 0325 UTC
Ending Date and Time : September 19, 2021 at 0500 UTC
Type : Hazards

For full details, see the NOTAM.

No Saturday Breakfast this week

The current smoke forecast shows Saturday morning having continuing unhealthy air quality in Lincoln. So we will not be holding our pancake breakfast at the EAA hangar tomorrow.

Our next chapter event will be our ‘new and improved’ IMC + VMC club meeting on Wednesday, September 1st at 7 pm, and all are invited to participate. More information to come, as that day approaches.

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Member meeting this Wednesday

There I Was, At AirVenture 2021” will be the theme of this month’s online chapter meeting on Wednesday, August 18th. We are going to hear the experiences of a number of our chapter members who made the trek to Oshkosh this year. The program will start with those who were there for the first time, and continue with those who have been there multiple times and were able to see where AirVenture was different this year, as well as what didn’t change.

Our monthly online meeting will begin with our Hangar Chat time at 6:40 pm on Wednesday, July 21. The main meeting begins at 7:00 pm. You can join this Zoom meeting by clicking here that evening. The link to join the meeting will also be sent out to the chapter mailing list the morning of the event.

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TFR just East of KAUN

Issue Date : August 05, 2021 at 1422 UTC
Location : 28NM E OF MARYSVILLE, California near MARYSVILLE VOR/DME (MYV)
Beginning Date and Time : August 05, 2021 at 1430 UTC
Ending Date and Time : September 04, 2021 at 0500 UTC
Type : Hazards

For full details, see the NOTAM.

EAA pancake breakfast and Dream Flights to honor Lincoln WWII veterans

On Saturday, August 7 chapter 1541 will be holding an outdoor pancake breakfast at the EAA hangar at KLHM from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

The chapter will also be supporting a Dream Flights event at the gazebo on the main ramp that day, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The event will honor four World War II veterans from Lincoln, including chapter member David Morgan, age 94. David and his three fellow veterans will be awarded free flights in Stearman biplanes similar to those used for pilot training during the War. The all-volunteer Dream Flights program is described here:

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Online IMC club meeting August 4th

Our online IMC club for the month of August will be this coming Wednesday at 7 pm. The special topic will be presented by CFII Scott Thompson on how the FAA Flight Inspection program works, and what it contributes to flight safety. We will also have a ‘What Would You Do’ scenario about a flight that encountered unexpected challenges trying to return home from Oshkosh as bad weather moved in.

FAA Wings credit for this Zoom meeting is available by registering here. All are invited to participate.

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