Online chapter monthly meeting this coming Wednesday at 7 pm

Our monthly chapter meeting will begin at 7 pm this coming Wednesday, May 19th. Open mic “hangar chat” begins at 6:40 pm.

Our program will be given by NTSB senior investigator Stephen Stein on “Aviation Accident Investigation: The NTSB Process and Accident Case Studies”. This will be Stephen’s second presentation to us, and for this month’s program, he will focus on case studies related to:

  • fuel management
  • mountain flying (and density altitude since we are getting into summer)
  • maintenance related
  • cockpit distraction
  • performance planning for takeoff

This session should be of interest to everyone! Here is the info to participate:

Topic: EAA 1541’s May chapter meeting
Time: May 19, 2021 06:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 1146 2059
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Ground School Refresher Airspace

Topic: Do you remember types of airspace and cloud clearances? Do you know the 3 types of G airspace? Join us for this great refresher.
On Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Let’s face it, airspace is an imaginary concept. It is just a shorthand way to talk about the set of Federal Aviation Regulations that apply by location and altitude, and the impact they have on VFR flight. As confusing as you think the rules are, with a quick refresher, you’ll be back to full knowledge in no time.

If it has been a while since you sat through ground school, you may be due for an airspace refresher. In this safety seminar, we will review the different classes of airspace that are found in the United States. We will cover their shapes, sizes, operating rules, and also cover special use airspace. Want an easy way to keep confusing Class G airspace rules memorized, use the Flight Center’s method that teaches there are 3 types of Class G airspace, Class G-low, Class G-mid, and Class G-high. Do you know the differences between them? Where would you look it up? What happens to Class D when the tower closes? How well do you know airspace?

Aspiring Private Pilots are encouraged to attend but is open to all pilots, and will be of particular interest to students pilots and those who are preparing for a flight review. You will leave the seminar with a renewed understanding, and probably a few memory aids to take with your on your next flight.

David Agranovich is a newly certificated CFI, and thoroughly enjoys teaching others. He’s normally found taking 182 out for flights in the Sierras or running shelter dogs up the coast for Pilots and Paws. In his spare time, he works at Facebook leading their efforts to counter foreign interference in elections.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Lincoln Display Day, Saturday, 5/15, 8-12.

The monthly Lincoln Display Day is Saturday May 15th. The weather is going to be great – a high of 86 degrees and winds to 5 to 10 mph.

An ongoing request is that everyone consider helping with this program by signing the work party roster and volunteering to help on a Saturday or two throughout the year. It’s actually fun and easy to do, so don’t be shy, give it a try!

There may be a DONUT or two to go with the coffee, so come on out and check it out! There was a great turn out last month. Good friends, good discussions, and nice airplanes to look at.

IMC May meeting

Our online May IMC club meeting will be from 7 to 8 pm this coming Wednesday. The special topic will be an AOPA Air Safety case study of an engine failure occurring during an instrument approach. Our ‘What Would You Do?” scenario will involve unexpected inflight ATC re-routing that makes the flight, as originally planned, impossible.

FAA Wings credit for this event is available by clicking here, and all pilots are invited to attend.

To join the Zoom Meeting, click here at 7 pm on Wednesday May 5th.

Meeting ID: 818 5340 2756
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,81853402756# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
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Mountain Flying

Topic: Flying in the mountains brings its own sets of challenges, and every pilot who flies within them needs to be well educated.
On Saturday, May 8, 2021 at 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (13:00 MDT, 14:00 CDT, 15:00 EDT, 09:00 HST, 11:00 AKDT, 12:00 Arizona, 19:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Flying in the mountains can be some of the most amazingly beautiful and satisfying flying you may ever accomplish. But it comes with increased risk, and thereby increased responsibility. Every day, GA pilots who fly in the mountains safely calculate and plan for such risks, and you can too.

Spring weather brings cool temperatures, clear skies and smooth air. It can also occasionally bring the threat of snow and ice, which are good things to learn to respect during trips to airports at higher elevations. Join CFI Brian Eliot for an overview of elements of mountain flying. We’ll look at how terrain and mountain weather patterns affect one another and what that means to pilots of small aircraft. We will discuss how to calculate density and what it means for landing and departing at high-altitude mountain airports. And no mountain flying discussion is complete without emergency preparedness and survival gear.

This seminar is intended to meet the ground training requirement for an SCFC Mountain Checkout, and is required for all pilots participating in the FlyOutGroup 5-day Mountain Flying trip in early July.

If you are planning a trip to the mountains anytime soon, or just want to learn more about mountain flying; don’t miss out on this seminar.

Brian Eliot is San Carlos Flight Center’s resident expert for IFR training and Garmin G1000 avionics. He has been flying since 1995 and received all his training in the Bay Area. Brian previously worked as a broadcast engineer, a software developer, and taught computer science at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He regularly presents at San Carlos Flight Center safety seminars and has a reputation for making complex concepts easy to learn and understand.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

IMC Club Meeting ( ONLINE ONLY ) Lincoln EAA 1541

Topic: IMC Topics Are Taken From Real Life Events and Discussed to Aid the Decision Making Process for Pilots.
On Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

This is an audience participation event. After a brief Audio/Video presentation we ask “What Would You Do”? Everyone is encouraged to join in the discussion. Videos depicting actual flights that encountered challenges are chosen from a library provided by EAA . Pilots of all skill levels are encouraged to attend. Click the link below for more information and to register TODAY.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

April chapter meeting this Wednesday

Our monthly chapter meeting for April will be this coming Wednesday, April 21st.

“Hangar chat” will begin at 6:40 pm and the meeting itself will start at 7:00 pm.

Our program will be given by chapter member Rob Burmeister on two key aircraft systems, the pitot-static system and the altimeter, with the whimsical title of “A walk through time with Pitot and Kollsman”. Rob’s presentation will be both technology and history, with “special emphasis placed on the two men I’ve heard of for twenty years but never knew…”

To join this online Zoom Meeting, click here on Wednesday evening, 4/21.

Meeting ID: 813 8527 4923
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,81385274923# US (San Jose)

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NAFI – ABCs of FAA Enforcement Actions

Topic: Learn About FAA Incident And Accident Responses And Programs Designed To Enhance Safety In The National Airspace System
On Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 19:00 Central Daylight Time (17:00 PDT, 18:00 MDT, 20:00 EDT, 14:00 HST, 16:00 AKDT, 17:00 Arizona, 00:00 GMT)

Select Number:

This presentation will cover the FAA’s response to aviation incidents, accidents, and occurrences (pilot deviations), the pilot’s rights and obligations in this process, and how these programs are designed to create a safer environment for all.

Pilots will learn about;

  • Proper and Timely Response to the FAA, Pilots Rights and Obligations
  • NASA Reporting System designed to “lessen the likelihood of aviation accidents”
  • FAA’s Compliance Program that “stresses a collaborative problem-solving approach”
  • Remedial Training “to gain future compliance with FAA regulations through training, thereby enhancing safety in the National Airspace System (NAS)”
  • “Brasher Notification” and more

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Lincoln Display Day, Saturday 17th

The monthly Display Day is on Saturday April 17th at KLHM. The weather is going to be great. A high of 85 degrees and winds to 8mph. No excuses there.

An ongoing request is that everyone consider helping with this program by signing the work party roster and volunteering to help on a Saturday or two throughout the year. It’s actually fun and easy to do, so don’t be shy, give it a try!

Managed by Gary Patburg and Bob Butera

Unique IFR Approaches

Topic: While we are used to certain approaches around our local vicinity – how often do you investigate unique approaches elsewhere?
On Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time (20:00 MDT, 21:00 CDT, 22:00 EDT, 16:00 HST, 18:00 AKDT, 19:00 Arizona, 02:00 GMT)

Select Number:

Instrument pilots develop familiarity with instrument approaches based on a review of the approaches they typically fly. There is a lot of similarity among the information contained in the majority of approach procedures. Every now and then, you come across an approach that may make you stop and wonder what the notation means. Can there be a glide slope on an LDA? What are some of the more challenging holds that you might find?

San Carlos Flight Center invites Herb Patten, CFII, to share a select set of approach plates for their unique procedures. He will cover how to identify unique approach procedure notations and sift through the clutter to identify the vital differences.

While you may not actually fly one of these approaches, getting a broader exposure to some of them will make you a more informed instrument pilot. We will use examples of approaches from around the country. Join us to be a more prepared, and knowledgeable instrument rated pilot.

Herb Patten is the Chief Pilot at the San Carlos Flight Center, a CFI and an FAA certificated advanced and instrument ground instructor who teaches private pilot ground school at San Carlos Flight Center. He is a commercial pilot with an instrument rating, has flown over 1,500 hours into at least 120 different California airports. He is the current chairman of the Upwind Foundation, famous for its Upwind Summer Scholarship Program. In 2015, Herb was named a Master Instructor by the National Association of Flight Instructors.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.