The September board meeting is on Wednesday 5th

The September Board of Directors meeting takes place on Wednesday 5th. It will be at the House of Pizza, 2270 Nicolaus Rd., Lincoln… dinner at 18:00, meeting at 18:30. All members are invited.

18:00: Eat if desired
18:30: Meeting Start

  1. Financial Report/Membership Report/Minutes (Jim)
    • Update on membership roll and status of overdue dues
  2. Upcoming Calendar Review (attached, Scott)
  3. Old Business
    • Member Meeting for September Discussion
      • Door prizes, greeter, name tags: Cheryl
      • Mystery Questions
      • Safety Minute
      • Pot Luck: table for the year and reconsider for next year?
    • Capital City Airshow (Sept 21-22): what if anything is the chapter doing?
    • Young Eagles Rally set for October 6: Cheryl
      • Vendor for food
      • As of Tuesday, 9/4: 26 attendees and pilots are signed up
      • Ground crew: 20 ROTC volunteers
      • Organization
    • Update on Hangar Work
      • Hangar door insulation
      • Audio Video
      • Chair rack
      • Electrical and other completion items
      • Fire extinguishers
      • White board
    • Update on Scholarship Program/Leadership and Development Program
      • The need for an active scholarship director
      • 2 scholarships were awarded: status report from Scott
      • We have two Air Academy slots reserved; process needed soon
    • Update on Chapter Logo; thanks to Paul Joiner and Clark Osterhout
    • Airport entrance sign: time to move forward
    • T-shirts, polo shirts, caps: time to move forward
    • Discussion of Holiday Party for Wednesday, December 12
      • Silent auction
      • Entertainment: Danny Hull needs to be contacted
    • Volunteer needs: where do we find/develop new volunteers
    • Strategic Planning: still needed; on the back-burner
  4. New Business
    • Any new business?

20:30: Meeting over

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ASI Investigates Weather Accidents

Topic: ASI Investigates: Weather Accidents
On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time
Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento
2001 Point West Way
Sacramento, CA 95815

Select Number:

Weather is often blamed as the cause of accidents when, in reality, it’s poor decision making that’s the culprit. Arm yourself to make the right weather choices at crucial moments before and during flight.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Why getting the big weather picture is important
How to improve your go/no-go decision-making process
Tips to “weatherize” your mindset and avoid traps like flying VFR into IMC
Why technology can be a great tool and your worst enemy in weather flying

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

August membership meeting – August 15th

On Wednesday evening, August 15, we will have our monthly member meeting with a BBQ Dinner starting at 18:00 also at our chapter hangar. We’ll try a couple of new things out this month including having a few door prizes. Wear your name tag or get one at the door along with a door prize ticket. After a short business meeting, we’ll have a program as a “Recap to Oshkosh.” We’ve invited those who participated at Oshkosh to come up and share your experiences at the week-long convention, or your experiences coming and going. We had almost a dozen chapter members who made the trek; it should be an interesting and informal evening. Forecast high temperature for Wednesday is, as of today, a “cool” 91 degrees so bring a jacket.

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Lunch and a program – August 11th

We have a BBQ lunch with a program set for this coming Saturday, August 11. Lunch starts at 11:00 and the program is set to begin at 12:00 at our chapter hangar (S12). The program this month will be an FAA Safety Briefing led by Jim Hughes. We will cover “Get It Right in Maneuvering Flight” with a video presentation and some discussion, and perhaps get into some other flight safety items.

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