NCT TRACON presents the New SFO Class Bravo Airspace that will chart on August 16

Topic: The New SFO Class B Airspace
On Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 10:00 Pacific Daylight Time (11:00 MDT, 12:00 CDT, 13:00 EDT, 07:00 HST, 09:00 AKDT, 10:00 Arizona, 17:00 GMT)

Select Number:

The new SFO B is almost here. SCFC in cooperation with the FAA Safety Team and Air Traffic will host a presentation and discussion about the new SFO Bravo. Airspace meetings and comments concerning the proposal to amend the Class B airspace area at San Francisco, CA were received by March 16, 2017.

The new SFO Class Bravo Airspace is set to go into print on August 16th so don’t miss this important topic which will affect your Bay Area Flights. Michael Seko, Support Specialist, NCT TRACON will present the plan and a Q&A session will follow.

Note the Seminar Time is 10 AM – 12 Noon

Michael Seko, Support Specialist, NCT TRACON was hired in 1988 into Oakland Center and worked the northern area, including Napa, Santa Rosa, Redding and Chico until 1996.

He transferred to Bay Approach in 1996 and worked there until it merged with Norcal Approach in 2001. For a change of pace, Michael took 8 ½ years off in the private sector and returned to NorCal Approach in 2010, working the Southwest airspace, including South Bay from San Carlos South, down to Big Sur, and East past the Salinas valley up to San Jose.

In May 2017, Mr. Seko took the position he currently holds in the Airspace and Procedures office as a Specialist, where he is primarily responsible for Obstruction Evaluation, Minimum Vectoring Altitudes, Airspace Modifications, UAS operations and NCT’s internal display systems.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

Member Meeting Wednesday, July 18 – CANCELLED

Come out for our chapter’s regular monthly member meeting at the EAA hangar on Wednesday night, July 18. We will offer a BBQ dinner beginning at 6 pm so you don’t have to cook that night.

Meeting will start at about 6:45 pm or so with some short business items to cover.

At about 7:00 pm, we will have a presentation by Lt Col Chris Reeder on the Global Hawk mission. Col. Reeder is an instructor and evaluator, former tanker pilot and fighter pilot. He is the Director of Operations for the 13th Reconnaissance Squadron at Beale AFB which operates the RQ-4 Global Hawk Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). Col Reeder is an Air Force Academy graduate (class of 1997) and has flown KC-135s, KC-10s, F-15s, and A-10s in his Air Force career. His broad background and detailed knowledge of the RQ-4 program at Beale will, no doubt, provide an interesting evening for our chapter. We also understand he flies a Pitts Special for fun, so that experience will be a little icing on the cake.

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Introduction to Tailwheel and Aerobatics

Topic: Introduction to Tailwheel & Aerobatics training provided by Mach 5 Aviation
On Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 09:00 Pacific Daylight Time
The Barnstormers Bldg main Auditorium
13698 New Airport Rd. Auburn CA.
Auburn, CA 95602

Select Number:

Enjoy a full day of FREE training with Mach 5 Aviation on everything you’ll want to know about flying the Citabria!

Donuts & coffee for breakfast and a pizza lunch will be provided!
Enter into our raffle for a chance to win a full hour of flight time in our Citabria!
Learn introductions to Tailwheel and Aerobatics from our very own retired Air Force Maj Dennis Pearson
Be inspired by our guest speaker- the legendary Allen Silver on bailout training and proper parachute wear & care training!


8:30am – check-in, donuts and coffee
9:00am – the day begins
Intro to tailwheel flying
Intro to aerobatics
12:00 – Lunch
Parachute wear and care
Bail out seminar
3:00pm – event concludes

To register for this event you can call Mach 5 Aviation direct or email, additionally if you want wings credit for this seminar register online at faasafety,gov. however Seats are limited so RSVP is mandatory with Mach 5 aviation

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

Lunch and a presentation, July 14th

July 14th, starting at 11:00, we’ll have lunch.

At 12:00 we will have a program presented by Brook Drumm. Brook is the owner of Printrbot right across from Lincoln Air. His company makes 3D printers. Brook will do a demo of 3D printers and CNC machines, both of which can be useful in producing parts useful in building or working on aircraft. Check it out….

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First Call for Young Eagles Pilots for October 6 Rally

Our chapter’s next Young Eagles Rally will be held on Saturday, October 6.

We are setting up a Young Eagles registration online process using EAA endorsed software named Flight Squid. This allows both pilots and Young Eagles to sign up online and completes much of the required Young Eagle paperwork in a seamless process.

This process is identical to the one we used for our May 12 Rally.

Pilots, go here. Use the event code”1541″ to register.

If you signed up for our prior event, the sign up process is very quick.

This is a “private” event for pilot signup, thus the required code input. You will create an account with Flight Squid with your own password, which you will want to remember.

You will need to have your EAA member number to complete the sign up process, and it will also ask you to enter aircraft information. You will only need to do this once. Presuming we have future Young Eagle events and you participate, then that information will be automatically be entered when you register for those events.

If your plans change, it is a simple process for you to log in again and delete your registration for any event.

Please provide us with feedback – we’re curious as to what your experiences are with the process.

If you have not yet completed the process to be a Young Eagles pilot (application to EAA HQ and complete brief training and background check) or you are out of date (more than three years since completion), then you’ll need to complete that process before signing up on Flight Squid.

Young Eagles can register too.

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Young Eagles event – October 6th

We are happy to announce that Chapter 1541 has scheduled another Young Eagle Rally on Saturday, October 6. For those few who may not be familiar, Young Eagles is an EAA program designed to introduce young people to aviation by offering a short, free airplane ride. The program was launched in 1992 and, nationwide, has provided well over 2 million rides. Our chapter last flew Young Eagles in May.

So what does this mean to you, the chapter member? Well, we need volunteers to help make this event a success. Volunteers are needed for pilots, ground handlers and event helpers. As you can see in the information provided below, the tasks are simple and will provide an opportunity to interact with the community in a positive way.

The October 6th Rally will be conducted between 09:00 and 13:00.

The Rally organizers need to determine which pilots in our chapter are currently qualified to participate as Young Eagle pilots. This would mean that you are on record with EAA headquarters with a completed and current background check. If you are such a pilot, have access to an airplane, and have interest in participating in our chapter’s Young Eagles Rallies, please let us know. We are making a list. (If you are not sure you are a currently qualified pilot, please contact us and we will help you find out).

Now, let’s look at what it takes to become a volunteer at our chapter Rallies.

Young Eagle Pilots:

  • Be a current EAA member and hold an appropriate airman’s certificate (Sport Pilot or greater)
  • Possess a current medical certificate (if applicable)
  • Be current to carry passengers in the aircraft you plan to use
  • Have a current BFR
  • Complete the simple online Young Eagles training course and basic background check, both of which need to have been completed within the last three years
  • For our events, have access to an aircraft that meets EAA requirements and has passenger liability insurance, preferably in amount that exceeds $100,000 per seat. (This amount allows a supplemental EAA policy to provide additional liability insurance.)
  • For our events, be a EAA Chapter 1541 member.

Young Eagle Ground Support (primarily helping Young Eagles to and from the airplane, providing ramp control, and ensuring ramp safety):

We have need for other event helpers too:

  • Welcome table for registration and check-in
  • Aircraft dispatchers to match pilots/Young Eagles
  • Chapter information table
  • Chapter members to answer questions and meet new friends
  • Other stuff we are working on

Please respond to this if you want to get involved early.

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