CANCELLED – Saturday, June 23 Chapter Fly-Out to Carson City (CXP) for Airport Open House

Want to go fly somewhere? Join our chapter on Saturday, June 23, for a flight over those eastern mountains to Carson City Airport to attend an airport open house. It is 78 nm as the Cessna flies, right up over Lake Tahoe and then a quick descent into Carson City. A bit tentative about flying over that way? Bruce Estes will conduct a short briefing at the EAA Hangar at 09:00 that morning to allay your concerns.

We’ll depart after that and spend a few hours at the open house, look at some airplanes and enjoy some lunch. Expect warm temperatures and high density altitude so plan accordingly. (CXP field elevation: 4704’)

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Member Meeting Wednesday, June 20 at 18:00

Come out for our chapter’s regular monthly member meeting at the EAA hangar on Wednesday night, June 20. We will offer a BBQ dinner beginning at 18:00 so you don’t have to cook that night.

Meeting will start at about 18:45 or so with some short business items to cover.

At about 19:00, we will have a presentation by Thomas Camilli of Auburn Chapter 526 on his cross-country round trip trek from Auburn to Sun ‘n Fun at Lakeland, Florida, this past spring. He made the trip in his SunDancer motorglider. His presentation includes an EAA video that shows the highlights of the event.

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SFO Class Bravo Changes Coming August 16

Some major changes are coming to the Class Bravo airspace in the Bay Area. Most of the changes are being made to ensure air carrier traffic arriving and departing from KSFO remain within the Class Bravo airspace on their arrival and departure routing. Anyone used to “the old way” needs to take a close look at “the new way” after August 16.

The June board meeting is on June 13th

The June Board of Directors meeting takes place on Wednesday 13th. It will be at the House of Pizza, 2270 Nicolaus Rd., Lincoln… dinner at 18:00, meeting at 18:30. All members are invited.


  • 6:00 pm: Food, etc.
  • 6:30 pm: Meeting Start
    1. Richard and Sue Bristow
    2. Financial Report/Membership Report/Minutes (Jim)
    3. Upcoming Calendar Review (attached, Scott)
    4. Old Business
      1. LRAA Display Day on Saturday, June 16.
      2. Member Meeting on Wednesday, June 20 (Hangar)
      3. Update from Rubin on hangar work
      4. Future hangar plans: audiovisual clean up and insulation
      5. Update from Erika on library plans
      6. Update, if any, from Erika on Leadership and Development Program
      7. Update on Chapter logo
      8. Strategic Planning
    5. New Business
      1. Hangar tenant
      2. Question about pro-rating Gold Membership
      3. Email cleanup and membership dues
      4. Set next Young Eagles Rally for Saturday, October 6
      5. Holiday Party: dates and location and chairperson?
      6. Other new business
  • 8:30 pm: Meeting over
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Tragic News

As you may have already heard, chapter member Richard Bristow and his wife, Sue, were killed in an aircraft accident near Petaluma on Sunday afternoon. Richard has been an integral member of our chapter since its inception and was the chapter president in 2014-2015. Both Richard and Sue were regular attenders at chapter functions and I speak for all to say we are stunned and saddened at their tragic loss. Their family has been notified and we, as a chapter, will reach out to offer our assistance in any way possible. Our chapter will provide details as they come available as to arrangements and opportunities to help out.

The chapter has no information beyond what has been available in the media. As in all aircraft accidents, I would encourage everyone to refrain from speculation and expressed opinion as the authorities complete an investigation into the accident.

Please keep the Bristow family in your prayers this week.