Fly Out to Nut Tree for Legends of Flight Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 26, 08:30

We have a number of people who have expressed interest in flying to Nut Tree on Saturday morning to participate in the Legends of Flight Pancake Breakfast. We will plan to depart Lincoln at about 08:30 or, for those with slower aircraft, plan to meet on the ramp at Nut Tree at about 09:00. Please respond if you plan to participate and let us know if you have any seats available for passengers who might want to come along.

Weather looks like it will be okay… there might be some marine layer clouds in the Vacaville area but it’s hard to tell at this point.

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Membership meeting May 16th

Come out for our chapter’s regular monthly member meeting at the EAA hangar on Wednesday night, May 16. We will offer a BBQ dinner beginning at 18:00 so you don’t have to cook that night. Meeting will start at about 18:45 or so with some short business items to cover.

We have several items on the agenda including an update on the Learning and Development program that the chapter board of directors is pushing forward. We will also have a presentation by chapter member Paul “Dubs” Darbo on what was involved in buying an old Mooney and rejoining the ranks as an aviator.

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Successful Young Eagles Rally

We had an excellent Young Eagles Rally. We flew a total of 69 kids over five hours of flying. There were many chapter members and others who pitched in an helped make the Rally a success, and I want to make sure everyone knows how much it is appreciated. We had guys out at the airport at 05:45 this morning getting things ready, and a good group working on the ramp and cooking and providing administration and just being on hand to answer questions and help out. We had a few glitches but overall it went well.

In the next weeks we want to take a look at what we did right and what we could have done better today, so for anyone who participated please let us know if you saw problems that should be addressed next time. For those in the chapter who were unable to help out today, well, you missed a great activity and an opportunity to promote aviation to young people. But, take heart because we will have another Rally later in the year and you may be able to help then.

Thanks again to the eleven pilots who gave their time and aircraft, and to the multitude of helpers on the ground. We also need to thank NorCal Flight Center (chapter member Chris Braun) who generously offered us the use of their conference room for registrations, and also LRAA for the airplane demonstrator. And, the city of Lincoln and Rich and Tony provided some infrastructure stuff that we put to good use.

We have a Facebook posting on the Rally, so I would appreciate any comments or quotes from kids who were flown today, and also the posting of any photos that any of you may have taken that illustrates the day we had.

Thanks again to all who pitched in.

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The Young Eagles rally is this Saturday

Our chapter Young Eagle Rally is coming up on Saturday, May 12th. And, we are happy to say that we have filled all our time slots with kids.

We have a good team of volunteers already but we could use a few more – we’re aiming to do some setup from 17:00 on Friday 11th.

If you are available to help, please consider volunteering for the Rally – click here and let us know about your areas of interest.

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The May board meeting is on May 5th

The May board meeting has been moved from Wednesday night to Saturday morning (after the pancake breakfast) on May 5th.

  • Young Eagles Event on Saturday May 12
  • Member Meeting on Wednesday, May 16 (Hangar)
  • Pancake Breakfast at Gazebo Area in support of LRAA display day on Saturday, May 19th
  • Update from Rubin on hangar work (looks great so far!)
  • Update, if any, from Rubin on chapter logo and T-shirts/caps
  • Update from Erika on library plans
  • Update, if any, from Erika on Leadership and Development Program
  • Update, if any, from John on sign development
  • Update, if any, from Tom on cooking team
  • Strategic Planning initiative

As much as this seems to be, we will try and move through it quickly and get on with Saturday.

Busy few weeks in early May for the chapter, then things quiet down a bit for awhile.

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Young Eagles Rally on Saturday, May 12th

Our chapter Young Eagle Rally is coming up on Saturday, May 12. And, we are happy to say that we have almost filled all our time slots with kids. Right now, we have 68 kids and 11 pilots signed up for the Rally. Seven more kids and we are full up for the day.

We have a good team of volunteers already but we sure could use a few more.

  • We will have a sign-in area where the kids will check-in. We could use a smiling and patient face (or two) for help there… having a bit of computer knowledge will help here.
  • We will have some escorts that will lead kids and parents from the check-in area to the waiting area by the Gazebo at the airport.
  • We need some more folks to serve as escorts.
  • We need a few friendly people to man an information table in the waiting area to answer questions and just be friendly.

If you are available that morning please consider volunteering for the Rally – we need you. Please click here and let us know about your areas of interest.

The BBQ Lunch also begins at 10:30 am in the waiting area.

Come out and let’s provide some youth with an introduction to aviation.

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Rusty Pilots hosted by Lincoln Skyways – Silverado Soaring Club and Tahoe Truckee Soaring Assn

Topic: A Rusty Pilots Seminar
On Saturday, May 12, 2018 at 09:00 Pacific Daylight Time
Lincoln Skyways Flight School / Lincoln Regional Airport
1480 Flightline Dr.
Lincoln, CA 95648

Select Number:

Once a pilot, always a pilot…But, if you’re feeling a little Rusty…

You might be like more than 500,000 other pilots (that’s right, half a million), who have taken a break from flying. The good news is that getting back to flying is easier than you think. So, what does it take to get back in the air?

Some flight and ground instruction
No FAA checkride or test
You may not even need a medical

Join us for a fun, interactive seminar that will give you all the information you need to get current again. As a seminar participant, you’ll get 3 hours of ground instruction toward completing your flight review, valuable take-home materials, and handouts so you can review what you’ve learned. We’ll help you brush up on your aviation knowledge and understand what’s changed since you last took the controls.

Register for this Rusty Pilots seminar Now!

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.