Important Change to CONUS Text Area Forecasts (FAs)

Notice Number: NOTC7226

What: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) have been working jointly to retire the six (6) CONUS text FAs, while also directing users to utilize finer resolution graphical and digital weather forecast products.

Why: The CONUS FAs (c. 1940) are a suite of products that cover very large geographical areas, have limited text size, cannot account for certain meteorological conditions and are updated only three times a day. Several NWS digital and graphical products are available today that provide the same weather forecast information found in the CONUS FA, but with much finer resolution in both space and time. These digital and graphical products provide users much improved weather forecast information.

When: A transition period of three (3) months begins July 10, where all the NWS products will be available. Production of the CONUS text FAs will cease October 10.

Where: Only the CONUS FAs are affected. Other (off-CONUS) FAs will continue to be produced, until further notice.

The Graphical Forecasts for Aviation (GFA) can be accessed at:

PowerPoint slides with additional information are available at:

For additional details, please contact:

FAA: Mr. Michael ‘Pat’ Murphy
NextGen Aviation Weather Division
1250 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20025
(202) 267-2788

NWS: Mr. Kevin Stone
Aviation and Space Weather Services Branch
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 427-9363

NorCAL ATC meeting on Saturday 24th

Come and spend some time in a session with a NorCal ATC controller during this program to be held at the EAA Hangar (S-12) on Saturday, June 24th, at 09:00 at the Lincoln Airport.

Let’s take this opportunity to learn how to make interactions with our local Approach Control more efficient for both ourselves and the controllers who are working us. Are there things we as pilots can do to make the system work better for us and other users? And maybe there are things we see from our perspective that would help those on the other side of the headset make the traffic flow better for all.

All are welcome but, pilots especially, bring your questions and comments for a solid exchange of information. Spread the word and bring your friends. Let’s take advantage of this opportunity.

Act Now for ADS-B Rebates

For a limited time, the FAA is offering a $500 rebate for completed ADS-B installations in fixed-wing, single-engine piston aircraft. The FAA is implementing this program to emphasize the urgent need for pilots to equip for the ADS-B Out rule ahead of the January 1, 2020 deadline. Are you eligible for a rebate? Please visit for details. But act now! The last day to apply for your rebate is September 18, 2017.

SAIB Stresses Inspection of Cessna Main Landing Gear Actuator Assembly

On June 9, 2017, the FAA issued a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) for Cessna Models 172RG, R182, TR182, FR182, and all variants of 210/T210/P210-series airplanes with the exception of the Models 210 and 210A airplanes. The SAIB emphasizes the importance of inspecting main landing gear actuator assemblies for cracks following Textron Aviation Inc. supplemental inspection documents (SIDs) applicable to each model to prevent gear extension and retraction malfunctions. To view the SAIB, click here

LRAA To Hold It’s Annual Members Meeting and Board Elections: Saturday, June 17

The Lincoln General Aviation Community is encouraged to attend the Lincoln Regional Aviation Association’s Annual Meeting being held in the EAA 1541 Hangar on Saturday, June17, 2017 at 10:00. This is a great time to catch up on what’s going on at your airport with respect to its operation, regulation, land development, and opportunities for your participation.

The Day begins at the Karl Harder Pavilion with an, LRAA hosted Aircraft of Historical Significance Display Day at 08:00, coffee and donuts as usual.

The general membership meeting begins in the EAA hangar (S-12) at 10:00 with registration. The meeting also includes the LRAA Board of Directors election, a FAASTeam Safety Seminar (specific program to be announced) followed by Lunch.

The LRAA is expanding it’s Board of Directors. If you are interested in getting involved with the LRAA Board, or one of its committees, please contact Bob Butera (530) 906-7314.

This is always a great event, and a good opportunity to bring our entire airport community together.

Saturday… Airfest Ramp Crew

So, for Saturday we have some specific tasks, but firstly – check-in with Jim Hughes at the gazebo, get your vest and a badge.

  • from 7am to 10 am will be the crush of display aircraft that will have to be pushed into the display area. This will take the majority of the crew.
  • We will need 2-3 folks to help with the EAA1541 pancake breakfast from 08:00 to 10:00. (We’re hoping ee we can assign 1 hr times so folks can be on the ramp, where the ‘action’ is.)
  • We will probably need 2 folks to monitor taxiway ‘D’ and ‘E’ at the south end, to guide transient aircraft to parking until 10:00 (again a 1hr assignment), then at 10:00 we may need to guard these taxiways to keep anyone from trying to taxi out to the runway.
  • We will need 2-3 folks to roam the north hangar area, and tell visitors that are parking their cars to not loiter and move immediately to the ramp area.
  • From 10:00 to 15:00 we will also be on the flight line to make sure visitors do not cross the barriers. Be prepared to answer questions.
  • After 15:00, we will help push display aircraft out of the display area to the ‘hot zone’.

We will have Dan Gillam roaming with water, soda and hopefully food.

You can take breaks at the EAA booth for chairs and shade, water.

Lastly, we need 5-6 folks on Sunday about 10:00-ish, to help take down the orange barrier, remove t-posts, and disassemble the metal fencing.

Please see Jim tomorrow if you can help.

See you all tomorrow, and thanks again for your work on the this event.

Lincoln Airfest info… display aircraft

If you are intending to display your aircraft during Airfest, please move your aircraft on Friday.

After about 07:00 on Saturday it may not be possible to move an aircraft across the ramp with all of the barriers in place.

Last call for photos

We’re going to have a booth at Airfest, and Scott is requesting photos for display.

Ideally, the photos will be fairly high resolution photos (like over 1 MB) showing members and their airplanes – just airplanes are fine, too, but having the member in the photo would fit better with the poster theme: “What Our Members are Flying.”

Mail anything you have over to Scott.