Online IMC club meeting this coming Wednesday

Our July IMC club will be an online Webex from 19:00 to 20:00. this coming Wednesday, July 1st. Our special topic will be a discussion of the issues of transitioning from round gauges to glass cockpit automation. We will also have a ‘What Would You Do?” video scenario.

FAA Wings credit is available by registering here and all are invited to participate.

You can use this Webex link to join the meeting, and it’ll be sent out again to email subscribers on Wednesday morning.

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Need a pilot and aircraft to fly Boy Scouts, 7/8

George Harden is assisting several Boy Scouts to get their Aviation merit badge. The Boy Scouts need to fly in an airplane for a short flight, similar to a Young Eagles flight. George has 17 kids signed up, and needs one additional pilot with an airplane. The date is July 8th, and we will meet at the gazebo at 09:00.

We should easily be done flying by 10:00. The kids will all be wearing masks.

Let Bruce Estes know if you’re able to help out.

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Online June chapter meeting this coming Wednesday, June 17th

Our online chapter meeting will begin at 7 p.m. this coming Wednesday 6/17. The theme of this month’s meeting is “Celebrating the Achievements of our Chapter’s Student Members

EAA chapter 1541’s student members have been productively engaged during the unusual times we are all experiencing.

Amy Whelan will lead off our June online program with a presentation on her Ray Scholarship flight training and private pilot practical test experience.

The second feature of our monthly program will be chapter 1541’s youthful “Sim Team” – Anthony Moreno, and Hannah and Kevin Treehan. They completed the FlightSim One simulator pod and its computerized contents in mid-March, just as the chapter had to pause its face to face meetings. The team is now busily at work and will give an update report on FlightSim Two, a full motion flight simulator that is a true research and development project.

Our program will also include a brief video from EAA national that talks about plans for an online Aviation Week that will replace AirVenture Oshkosh, and a Homebuilder Hint on how to fix loose headset jacks.

This Webex teleconference will begin at 19:00 on Wednesday, June 17.

To join on Wednesday, at the appointed hour you can just click here.

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EAA1541’s Ray Aviation Scholar, Amy Whelan, has passed her Private Pilot checkride.

Amy Whelan, who started out as a Young Eagle, went to Oshkosh as a recipient of our Air Academy sponsorship, and won a coveted Ray Aviation Scholarship, passed her Private Pilot checkride on June 6th.

Amy thanks the entire chapter, but especially her instructor Randy Sharp and Bruce Robinson for the use of his Cessna 150. Amy would also like to thank the Ray Foundation for their financial support, the EAA and Lightspeed Aviation.

Amy will be soon be studying Aeronautical Science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida.

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IMC club this Wednesday evening

Our monthly IMC club meeting will be from 19:00 to 20:00 this coming Wednesday, June 3rd. The special topic this month will be led by CFII Scott Thompson, and review a 2015 flight from the Bay Area over the central valley by a non-instrument-rated pilot who encountered worse than forecast weather. ATC tried to help by offering an IFR clearance, which the pilot accepted, but could not fly.

This month, instead of our two step registration process involving the FAA Wings website, we will be sending out an all-hands invitation for this Webex online meeting on Wednesday morning, the day of the meeting. That invitation message will have a button in it to click to join the teleconference. All are invited to participate.

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Dennis Strong ‘flew West’

It’s with a heavy heart that we heard that Dennis lost his long fight on Sunday. He had been ill for a long time, and had his Fairchild displayed when the Ford Trimotor was at Lincoln – that was the last time he went to the airport.

There will be a Celebration of Life on June 27th.

Later this week will have updated information on the services.

The May chapter meeting is online tomorrow

Our monthly chapter meeting will begin at 18:30 this Wednesday, May 20th. You can join online several ways:

1. Click this link:
If you have an iPad, tablet, or recent vintage laptop with a built in camera you can join with both audio and video (your choice — speaking and participating with your video not required). The first time you join a Webex online meeting your computer will prompt you to download an app that gives you sound and picture controls.

2. If you want to get the visuals from the link above, but your internet connection is slow, you can get the real time audio by calling: 408-418-9388 and then entering the meeting number (access code) on your phone’s keypad: 625 516 868 (do that in addition to clicking the link above on your computer or tablet). You can also make a comment or ask a question during the open mic parts of the meeting using your phone.

Our program this month is entitled “How much does hypoxia affect pilot performance?“, given by Dr. Dan Masys. Every pilot knows that the air gets thinner the higher you go, and every pilot knows hypoxia can affect their ability to think clearly. But how much hypoxia is needed to cause bad things to happen, and when is flying at high altitudes really no big deal? Tune in to find out. The answers may surprise you.

Hope to see you there for our “Hollywood Squares” style online get-together.

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Pics, PIREPS and Project updates needed

One of the most fun things about a face to face EAA meeting is just standing around chatting about what’s new. Since we can’t do that at present, and we know you have a smart phone in your pocket, we are going to add a new feature to the newsletter called “Pics, PIREPS and Project Updates”.

Here’s how it works: for anything of interest related to aviation that you have experienced or are currently involved with, just take a picture and text it to us along with a few words describing what’s in the picture. Working on a project? Just snap a picture of the part you are working on (or the whole project) and text it or email it with a brief description of what you’re doing. Better yet, make it a selfie of yourself and your airplane part together. Flown somewhere interesting? Saw a cool thing in the sky? Found a great price for avgas? Anything flying related that you would mention over a cup of coffee at an EAA meeting is fair game. We’ll include it in the next newsletter, which for the month of May will go to press this coming Sunday.

Why, you probably already have a great pic on your phone — just check your photo gallery and either:
1. Text it to the newsletter at 360-797-3260 (editor’s phone), or
2. Email it to

No smartphone? Then just send a note without a pic. A sentence or two will suffice.
Oh, and include your name. : )

-Dan Masys
EAA 1541 newsletter editor

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