LRAA Aircraft Display Day, Saturday, April 20

LRAA Aircraft Display Day (08:00 – Noon)
EAA Pancake Breakfast (08:00 – 10:00)

Come on out on Saturday to the Gazebo area at the airport between 08:00 and 10:00 for a pancake breakfast (in support of the Richard and Susan Bristow Memorial Scholarship Program) and to help support the LRAA monthly display day. Invite your friends and family to come see the airplanes on display and have breakfast to boot.

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Monthly Member Meeting

Wednesday, April 17, beginning at 18:00 EAA Chapter Hangar (S-12) Lincoln Airport

Welcome to Spring! For the April monthly member meeting, we will be moving back to our chapter hangar at the Lincoln Airport. On Wednesday evening, April 17, we’ll start with a BBQ dinner at 6:00 pm with all the fixings that we can find. We’ll do some serious hangar flying up until about 7:00 pm when we will hold a short business meeting and do a few fun little things. Then, afterwards, we’ll hear again from Dan Masys.

At the February chapter meeting, Dan Masys presented the Top Ten Things he learned building three experimental aircraft. In Part Two he will talk about the most important things he learned flying those same aircraft, and how they compare with one another. Dan promises that his computer will be working this time, so there will be pictures to go along with the words!

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Airport Fun Day Was A Hit

I want to highlight the success our EAA Chapter 1541 enjoyed today as we sponsored our chapter’s first Airport Fun Day. For those who missed it, it was held in and around our hangar today between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. We had a great crowd of people, mostly families with young children. It was, in my memory anyway, the most well-attended chapter event we have ever held. Crowd estimates are in the neighborhood of 250 people or so, quite a bit more than we expected, and something that required two rapid trips to local grocery stores to restock hot dogs and buns. All of our visitors seemed to have a great time…smiles all around…and it was obvious that many had never visited our Lincoln airport or any general aviation airport period. Just the airplanes taxiing about, taking off and landing, and the local skydivers alone generated excitement and interest for both young and old alike. We had six airplanes on static display, and there was always a crowd around each of them. Inside the hangar we had a variety of activities, from a hands-on riveting demonstration to a flight simulator. We had a representative from William Jessup University’s new aviation program on hand, and also a representative from a radio-control aircraft group. Our own chapter had an information table and a Young Eagles table that provided sign-up information for the chapter’s Young Eagle Rally in three weeks (May 4). For the younger kids, we ran the Disney “Planes” animated movie and had a table set aside for coloring airplane-themed masterpieces. And for all, we provided a hot dog lunch that proved obviously popular.

Many hands went into making this event a success, but, at the risk of missing someone, I do want to shout out to a few for special recognition: Erika Wallin and Cheryl Andrade for much of the overall planning and organization; Dug Smith for his tireless grill duty; Tom Lieb for his food support, Darren Coomler for his parking administration, Rubin Wallin for the flight simulator; and Dan and Linda Masys for creating the riveting display. John House and Bruce Estes were also (voluntarily) pressed into sun-impacted duty, the former in crowd control on the taxiway and the latter in manning the kiddie airplane. And, there were a bunch of other individuals from our chapter who dove in and helped out where needed, when needed.

– Scott Thompson (EAA1541 President)

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Board meeting, April 6th

It’s the board meeting after the movie on Saturday – all are invited.

10:30: Meeting Start

  • Financial Report/Membership Report/Minutes (Jim)
  • Upcoming Calendar Review (Scott)
  • Old Business
    • Report on Hangar Work: update from Darren/Ruben
      • Hangar Work Day?
    • Monthly Member Meeting: need program
    • LRAA Pancake Breakfast April 20: verify planning
    • Young Eagles Rally for May 4: update and discussion (Cheryl)
    • Air Academy: finalize travel details, application process
    • Name Tags: update (Jim)
  • New Business
    • IMC Club Discussion (Dan)
    • Aviation Summer Camp support for City of Lincoln June 24-28 (Mon-Fri) 1pm-4pm
    • April 27 Fly-out to Calaveras Air Fair
    • Other New Business? (If possible, please advise Scott prior to the start of the meeting)
  • April 14 Airport Fun Day: Planning (Erika)
  • Strategic Planning Discussion (Postpone detailed discussion until May board meeting)

12:00: Meeting over

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IMC / VMC club meeting

Topic: VMC & IMC Topics Are Taken From Real Life Events and Discussed to Aid the Decision Making Process for Pilots.
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 19:00 Pacific Daylight Time
Placerville, CA 95667

Select Number:

This is an audience participation event. After a brief Audio / Video presentation we ask “what would you do”? Everyone is encouraged to join in the discussion. Subjects are normally provided by EAA.

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.