Hamburgers, hotdogs and a Mini-IMP on Saturday Oct. 22 11a.m.-1p.m.

image.pngJoin us this Saturday 10/22 for a hamburger and hotdog lunch with fixin’s, and a unique program given by chapter member Brent Smith.  Brent will have a show and tell about his one-of-a-kind Mini-IMP, designed (and in Brent’s case, actually partially built) by Molt Taylor.  The Mini-IMP will make a guest appearance!
Lunch starts at 11 a.m.  Suggested donation is $8 for adults, $5 for kids, $20 for a family.  Program begins at 12 noon.  Our flight simulators will also be available.
Young Eagle flights will be available weather permitting, since there might be clouds and rain coming that day. Hope to see you there!

Video montage of the 2022 Lincoln Regional Airport Open House now available

Our Lincoln Regional Airport 2022 Open House sponsored by the City of Lincoln was a great success, with an estimated 4000+ attendees.  EAA chapter 1541 and the Sutter Buttes Ninety-Nines were among the key volunteer groups who made it a wonderful community event.  A 7 minute video montage of the event is available on our Membership meetings and Events video page.  Enjoy!

Brunch on Saturday, September 24, 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.

So, what do you call a gathering where you can have eggs and sausage and pancakes and coffee and juice and a soda and a hamburger and chips and great conversation all at once?  We call it Saturday Brunch at the EAA hangar at KLHM.  Suggested donation $8 adults, $5 kids, $20 families.  Hope to see you there!

Monthly gatherings change to second and fourth Saturdays

Beginning in September, our in-person meetings will change from the first and third Saturdays to the second and fourth.  This change will reduce conflicts with other EAA chapters in the region, and enable their members to join our events and vice versa.  The second Saturday meeting will be a pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., and the fourth Saturday meeting will be a lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Special activities associated with those meals such as Young Eagle rides, flight simulators, Board meetings and member presentations will be sent via email notices to the chapter email list and posted on this website.

Our online IMC/VMC club meetings will continue to be held on the first Thursday of each month from 7-8 p.m., with FAA Wings credit available for participating in these pilot education Zoom sessions.

To receive chapter email notices you can join our mailing list.

3rd Saturday meal goes from lunch to breakfast to beat the heat!

Our originally scheduled lunch on Saturday, August 20th has been changed to a pancake breakfast due to afternoon temps expected to be over 100F.  So start your day with a fine all-you-can-eat EAA breakfast — good food, good conversation.  Our flight simulators will be running, and Young Eagle flights will be on an as-available basis.

IMC/VMC club meeting Thursday, August 4th

Our IMC/VMC club meeting for August will be held online on Thursday, August 4th starting at 7 pm PDT.  Our special topic will be Density Altitude and our What Would You Do? scenario will be about a VFR coastal flight where a fog bank reaches the airport just as you do.
FAA Wings credit for this event is available by registering here.  The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent the morning of th e event.  All pilots are invited to participate!


The $100 Hamburger Run: A Plane Ride with the Works | Houstonia Magazine

Our third Saturday schedule shifts from breakfast to lunch this month, with cheeseburgers, chips, potato salad and drinks served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the chapter hangar at Lincoln Regional airport. Suggested donation will be $7 for adults, $5 for kids, and $20 for families.

We will have Young Eagle flights available before lunch from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. based on pilot availability. Be sure your Young Eagle has the liability release form signed by a parent or legal guardian.