IMC/VMC club meeting Thursday, August 4th

Our IMC/VMC club meeting for August will be held online on Thursday, August 4th starting at 7 pm PDT.  Our special topic will be Density Altitude and our What Would You Do? scenario will be about a VFR coastal flight where a fog bank reaches the airport just as you do.
FAA Wings credit for this event is available by registering here.  The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent the morning of th e event.  All pilots are invited to participate!


The $100 Hamburger Run: A Plane Ride with the Works | Houstonia Magazine

Our third Saturday schedule shifts from breakfast to lunch this month, with cheeseburgers, chips, potato salad and drinks served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the chapter hangar at Lincoln Regional airport. Suggested donation will be $7 for adults, $5 for kids, and $20 for families.

We will have Young Eagle flights available before lunch from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. based on pilot availability. Be sure your Young Eagle has the liability release form signed by a parent or legal guardian.

IMC/VMC club meeting for July this coming Thursday

Our online IMC + VMC club for July will be held from 7-8 pm PDT this coming Thursday, July 7th.  Since the ILS system recently became operational again at KLHM, our special topic will be how to fly an ILS approach.  The VMC “What Would You Do?” scenario will be a VFR flight to a coastal location where a fog bank is approaching the airport just as you do.

FAA Wings credit for this event is available by registering here, and all pilots are invited to participate.

The link to join the meeting will be sent to the chapter members list, and to all who register for Wings credit.

First Saturday of the month Breakfast this week


Come join us for breakfast this coming Saturday, July 2nd from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the chapter hangar S-12 at KLHM.   The menu will include eggs, pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice.  Young Eagle flights will be available on a space-available basis.
All you can eat breakfast, meet new friends, and have great family fun!
Suggested donation:  Adults $7, Kids $5, Family $20.  Hope to see you there.

Third Saturday Breakfast and Display Day

Come join us for breakfast on the third Saturday of the month, June 18th, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the chapter hangar S-12 at KLHM, when our breakfast coincides with vintage aircraft Display Day at the airport.   The menu includes eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice.  Young Eagle flights will be available on a space-available basis.

All you can eat breakfast, meet new friends, and have great family fun!
Suggested donation:  Adults $7, Kids $5, Family $20.  Hope to see you there!

Breakfast at the EAA hangar the first Saturday of the month

Pancake Breakfast

Come join us for breakfast the first Saturday of each month in the chapter hangar S-12 at KLHM.   The menu includes eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice.  Our flight simulators are available for kids of all ages, and Young Eagle flights are available on a space-available basis.

All you can eat breakfast, meet new friends, and have great family fun!
Suggested donation:  Adults $7, Kids $5, Family $20.  Hope to see you there!

Breakfast and a Movie

On Saturday, May 21 we hosted “breakfast and a movie” from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the chapter hangar S-12 at KLHM.  In the spirit of Memorial Day, we served eggs, red-white-and-blue pancakes, coffee and juice.  To honor veterans we also served creamed chipped beef on toast (S.O.S. — ask any vet what that means!) We showed the movie Battle of Britain and are pleased to confirm that the British did once again win the battle.  For intrepid wannabe fighter pilots we gave attendees an opportunity to fly either the F-18E Super Hornet in FlightSim1 or the Spitfire MkIX in FlightSim2.  Both were a hoot in the air, but definitely tested ones skill trying to land.
It was a fine aviation celebration for all!